Thanks. Sure, here you go.
The oxidation did not look bad, but what was there did not want to leave. I soaked in an Oxiclean solution, overnight. Then scrubbed with Magic Eraser/alcohol, then 600 grit, then full micromesh progression. Basically, the stem got everything I could throw at it. It was tempting to make this a 'perfect' pipe, but I try to avoid such temptations, especially if it's never going to be sold. So I allowed three very tiny marks to remain, as opposed to filling with CA glue.
The stummel was in great shape - it had the appearance of original finish, so I didn't want to lose any of it. The rim had more carbonization than I was happy with, and there was/is some nicking along the rim. I wanted to leave it as original as possible, so, after scraping off the rim, sanded lightly to remove most of the remaining char and roughness, but not enough to have to use a stain pen, and I didn't mess with the nicking. Then rubbed in B&A Balm to clean. Had to do that three times, but the B&A Balm cleans well and doesn't mess with the finish. I buffed by hand - didn't add any wax.