I tried "Lunt" with a c, and spike choker didn't change it, but it capped "lunt"
Let’s not get into body partsI tried "Lunt" with a c, and spike choker didn't change it, but it capped "lunt"
Maybe, maybe not .Great Darwin quote. Another:
Man tends to increase at a greater rate than his means of subsistence; consequently he is occasionally subjected to a severe struggle for existence, and natural selection will have effected whatever lies within its scope.
~ Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man, 1871
Lololol! From probably age 4 I heard it as “foot feet” and just thought that was it without any thought about it. Thanks! Just Googled as well and “feed” makes sense, of course. Kids those days …….Foot feed? That's a term I heard often in my youth.
I'll take a punt on the hunt to solve your cryptic clue. I believe the hunt is taking place in Berkshire.I lunt all the time. Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt Lunt! Just make sure you use the L when typing.
Yeah.....no.these days everyone is a hipster. It's just a fact.
Always room for one more though we're so high on cleaning fluid since Anthony got us drunk on it were usually very happy.My aim is to be Morale Officer on the Black Frigate.
yeah it's pretty much everyone. No one wants to accept that fact, but that doesn't change that it's how it is.Yeah.....no.
Hey!!!They don't fall off......most of the time.Pipe smoker is clumsy. Piper brings up images of hale bearded fellows wearing skirts and leaving their jewels exposed to freeze and fall off in the cold.
Mine do. It's a duck thing. We she'd them after the mating season, and grow a new one each year.Hey!!!They don't fall off......most of the time.
We all have our little quirks. I am quite annoyed by the words "dawdle," "cattywompus/cattywampus" and the phrase "kitty corner" so don't think I am trying to pick on anyone's personal irritations...we all have them.
However, it seems that some are outwardly irritated by what a pipe smoker calls themselves. "Piper" gets some of us rather upset while "pipester" made some of us have an absolute fit, even though we got over it. "Puffer" gets a small amount of irritation and "addict" tends to make many of us mildly perturbed.
Why do we actually care about what we are called based on our pipe smoking? Personally, It's one of those things where I pick the hill I want to die on. When someone calls me a shortened version of my name, no worries. I usually prefer my full first name unless you are my wife or a friend of some sort but won't make a big deal if someone uses Dave instead of David.
So, no judgement here (see my first statement) but what makes you have an irritation reaction big enough to speak out against what you are called as a pipe smoker? On the other hand, what makes you the other way where you may be irritated by an epithet based on your pipe smoking but have no reaction to it?