The cause of the shortage is because the product is underpriced and that is not debatable.
Everything is debatable. You are not the oracle. I'm going to respond, not for you, because your post shows that you have a closed mind, but for others who would like to stop beating their heads against a rock and buy some of this to enjoy.
It's not about pricing, it's about capacity.
Raising the price will not increase capacity.
Raising the price will make the product less obtainable for many.
Germain's is a
small boutique operation producing a wide variety of blends. They have a handful of staff. Much of their equipment is ancient and I do mean ancient, and they use very traditional methods in making their blends, methods that take time to do their work. It's a
small pipeline. The product of that
small pipeline are the blends that so many like. Change the pipeline and the results change, the flavors of the blends are lost.
Until 2007 you could walk into a B&M and likely find Esoterica products available. It was one brand among many. Then Germain's stopped shipping for an extended period. By the time shipments started up again, the panic had set in. Shipments remained erratic. People started hoarding. The stuff disappeared from the shelves of online dealers in seconds. But at B&M's there was stock on the shelves for days and even weeks.
The Psychopathy of Scarcity had made a beachhead. People figured that something that was hard to find
MUST be amazing and better than anything else. It's illogical, but people are illogical.
Online stores remain a small fraction of the total amount that gets distributed. Shipments from Germain's have become more regular since late 2016. Online stores still sell out in seconds. B&M's still have stock sitting. I
If you want to find Esoterica brands become a regular customer of a B&M that carries them. If you are a cherry picker, expect to be shunned.
Besides the scalpers. a regular person is tempted to buy just because it is underpriced even if they wont smoke it.
This is quite the assumption, and an illogical one at that. But logic isn't playing a huge role here. I don't buy any blend because it's cheap. I buy it because I'm curious about trying it. How many of you buy anything just because it's cheap? Raise your hands so that I can count them. OK, some of you are idiots, but not many of you.
Like I said the tales of how much you have or how easy it is for "you" to get is irrelevant to finding a long term solution for everyone.
Well, irrelevant for you because you're not looking for a solution, you're looking for YOUR solution. But keep thinking that it's irrelevant. More for everyone else. BTW, I picked up a phone and called one of the B&M's that I buy from and ordered a pound of Dunbar for a friend. Took all of five minutes. How much did you purchase?
If we are in a situation that only people who will smoke it buy it, there is much less of a shortage.
We're pretty much in that situation now. The few hundred bags that show up on the secondary market each year are a tiny, let me repeat, tiny, percentage of the total amount in distribution.
The issue is capacity, and that is limited. But as many of us have found, getting off one's ass and making an effort will result in finding it. Even so, it will be in short supply because Germain's is a
small boutique operation that produces a wide variety of blends, of which, the Esoterica line is only a part.
For those of you who desire to obtain some hard to find blends, start building a customer relationship with a B&M. A real customer relationship. It doesn't matter whether that B&M is across the street or across the continent.
Here's one final bit to chew on. B&M's are a vital part of the supply train. Yes they cost more because their costs are more. Guess what? There is no free ride. But if you want to have access to a wide variety of blends, including hard to find blends, you would be smart to support them. Buy what they have in stock, not just unobtainium. Someday they may be the only access you have, and if you have not helped them to survive you will have screwed yourself.
For myself, I don't give a damn. I've built up a cellar over many years so if the whole business goes kaput, if Germain's, or any other blender decides to call it a day, it won't affect me. But for those of you who are in a different position, protect your B&M's. Support them and they will support you.
Cast a wide net and you will catch some fish. Stop whining. Stop moaning. Stop fantasizing about being the czar of distribution. Do what we have done. Get off your ass and use the phone. Build a regular customer relationship with a B&M that carries what you are looking for.
Or, you can come up with poorly reasoned hair brained schemes that only screw everyone. Your choice.