The cause of the shortage is because the product is underpriced and that is not debatable.
Ah, Warning Sign Number Two (or was it Three?)
Any time someone tries to control the conversation by telling you that you that you can't contest their statement, you know that they have a very weak argument.
Besides the scalpers. a regular person is tempted to buy just because it is underpriced even if they wont smoke it.
So how is that working for for other "underpriced (sp)" brands? Seen any Molto Dolce hoarding lately?
Like I said the tales of how much you have or how easy it is for "you" to get is irrelevant to finding a long term solution for everyone.
Now let's look at this statement. You are saying that actual evidence that contradicts your position isn't valid because you yourself have had a different experience. That's called anecdotal evidence (on your part), and it's being contradicted by a fairly wide and deep data pool. You
can get Esoterica. You can buy it at MSRP. You just aren't going about it properly.
Further, let's look at the statement about a "long term solution for everyone". That's just more fallacy fomented on Facebook, the idea that "the community" can alter the course of events over which that have little or no control, simply by saying so. Unfortunately, your community represents a tiny fraction of the customer base. Maybe you and the few dozen other people who spin these threads on FB into a Utopian spider's web "agree" on a solution, but if you want to label something as irrelevant, that would be the poster child.
If we are in a situation that only people who will smoke it buy it, there is much less of a shortage.
And somehow, you plan on enforcing this, or just getting everyone to agree to this idea that if you don't smoke it, you can't buy it? Tell me that there is more to it than that.
It sounds like many people here already have enough and when it is apparent to them that buying any more is a waste of their money, there will be less of a shortage.
The failure here to understand the world around you, and basic human behavior is overwhelming. I hoarded Esoterica because I could. I will never smoke all that I have. I will die before it is all consumed and my daughter will throw what's left into the garbage. That's called Liberty. That I can do with the fruits of my labor as I wish. And it's a beautiful thing.