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Dec 24, 2012
I drive 1400 miles roundtrip when I need to stock up on HP Sauce.
Warren, HP sauce is sold everywhere here in Canada. Just PM me man and I will put a few bottles into the mail and send it to you. I love the stuff too.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
True but, the manufacturer is obviously happy with the return his/her business model provides or, possibly is operating at capacity. Perhaps the maker enjoys the angst among those not finding the product.
I still stand by the "inanity" as a few complaints on a small board hardly translates a clarion call for a price bump. Seems most who want the product are able to fill their needs without turning to "scalpers". Jack the price by a few bucks and the fiscally astute who are making money already will simply raise their "scalper" price. Raise the retail price a bit too much and Esoterica buyers might just turn other blends. It's all a risk only for the manufacturer. Our fellow members risk nothing.
Perhaps those not willing to do the work shouldn't enjoy those particular blends.

Dec 24, 2012
tkcolo you need to build up a relationship with the B&M. They want to know that you're not just there (or calling) to find the good stuff. Buy a case of Captain Black Grape first and that will help build some credibility.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 24, 2018
Find a good chef quality steak sauce recipe , it's not difficult and it jars well.
Trust me , it's gonna blow hp out of the pond , I make mine with a little rye whisky ..



Oct 10, 2013
I get all my esoterica blends from woodsroad and I pay him $10 a bag.
C'mon, Peck. That deal was only for you. Anyone else would know immediately that I was refilling Stonehaven bags with Capt. Black Grape.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I've called several B&M's to ask them if they had Eso is stock, and they seemed perturbed to take the call. Maybe it was just my imagination. The annoyed voice on the other end made me think they were really telling me to come in and find out. They weren't going to tell me if they did have it. They were going to save it for their regular customers that bought everything else from them. That is what I would do anyway. So was that my imagination?
Possibly. My sources hate cherry pickers and will not sell to them. If you call and ask for several blends that you're looking for, along with the Esoterica, they will be more likely to deal with you. And if they have some of those blends in stock, but not the Esoterica, buy the other blends anyway. Be a regular customer. Eventually they will come to recognize you and treat you like a regular customer. My sources actually know what I've bought in the past. My calls are like what a visit to my local B&M used to be when they stocked pipe tobaccos. We chat on the phone about this and that. I buy a few tins that I want, and maybe a bag or two if it's in. I'm never a pig about it.



Jan 31, 2011
Damnit Jay I just blew coffee out my nose!
I thought everyone retrohaled their coffee.
Buy a case of Captain Black Grape first and that will help build some credibility.
Suddenly lacking credibility doesn't seem so bad after all.



Oct 10, 2013
I don't hunt for Esoterica anymore. I did, for a little while, but not in the serious way that some of my friends do. Now, it just seems to fall into my lap. I've bought two bags each of Stonerhaven and Penzass in the past year without so much as whimpering and pleading...much.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Same. The last call I made for Dunbar the owner asked if I wanted a bag of Stonehaven too. I just went for the Dunbar.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 22, 2018
The cause of the shortage is because the product is underpriced and that is not debatable. Besides the scalpers. a regular person is tempted to buy just because it is underpriced even if they wont smoke it.
Like I said the tales of how much you have or how easy it is for "you" to get is irrelevant to finding a long term solution for everyone.
If we are in a situation that only people who will smoke it buy it, there is much less of a shortage. It sounds like many people here already have enough and when it is apparent to them that buying any more is a waste of their money, there will be less of a shortage.

  • Haha
Reactions: woodsroad

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
You imply shortage where there is none. Online shops are a tiny percentage of all tobacco available. There are still many bags of Esoterica available to those willing to look for it.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Like I said the tales of how much you have or how easy it is for "you" to get is irrelevant to finding a long term solution for everyone.
Several of us just gave you the solution. You're complaining that five or six online stores run out too quickly when there are hundreds of tobacconists with no online presence that still have it in stock. The phone numbers that I call are all on the tobacco store locator found on this site. What you are saying is that you would rather pay double than to spend a few hours calling around to pay less. If you've never smoked any of it, you're really going to be disappointed by it after paying prices like you are suggesting.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Yes, occasionally, when I go to The Briary, Skip will ask me as I am checking out, "We still have a few bags of Penzance left, you want any?"

Chasingembers is right. Just because a few of the major online sources runs out quickly, doesn't mean that everywhere does. They don't linger on the shelves like Peterson tins, but they are out there. On several occasions, in running down the last of something like McClellands, I will just search through Google and call all of the B&Ms within driving distance and score some impossible finds. If it is that you want it the easiest way possible, then you probably won't ever get hold of any. But, if you really want it, you can make it happen.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
The cause of the shortage is because the product is underpriced and that is not debatable.

Malarchy, the cause of the shortages is self-imposed by the manufacturer. It was designed from the beginning to be a boutique blend. It was never meant to be the McDonalds of pipe tobaccos. They don't want to be. They could easily step up production and meet demands, but then they would lose that small blenders appeal.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Even at double the price those wishing to sell it will buy it in hopes of multiplying their investment. I've seen bags of both Penzance and Stonehaven go for over $300 on eBay.



Oct 10, 2013
The cause of the shortage is because the product is underpriced and that is not debatable.
Ah, Warning Sign Number Two (or was it Three?)

Any time someone tries to control the conversation by telling you that you that you can't contest their statement, you know that they have a very weak argument.
Besides the scalpers. a regular person is tempted to buy just because it is underpriced even if they wont smoke it.
So how is that working for for other "underpriced (sp)" brands? Seen any Molto Dolce hoarding lately?
Like I said the tales of how much you have or how easy it is for "you" to get is irrelevant to finding a long term solution for everyone.
Now let's look at this statement. You are saying that actual evidence that contradicts your position isn't valid because you yourself have had a different experience. That's called anecdotal evidence (on your part), and it's being contradicted by a fairly wide and deep data pool. You can get Esoterica. You can buy it at MSRP. You just aren't going about it properly.
Further, let's look at the statement about a "long term solution for everyone". That's just more fallacy fomented on Facebook, the idea that "the community" can alter the course of events over which that have little or no control, simply by saying so. Unfortunately, your community represents a tiny fraction of the customer base. Maybe you and the few dozen other people who spin these threads on FB into a Utopian spider's web "agree" on a solution, but if you want to label something as irrelevant, that would be the poster child.
If we are in a situation that only people who will smoke it buy it, there is much less of a shortage.
And somehow, you plan on enforcing this, or just getting everyone to agree to this idea that if you don't smoke it, you can't buy it? Tell me that there is more to it than that.
It sounds like many people here already have enough and when it is apparent to them that buying any more is a waste of their money, there will be less of a shortage.
The failure here to understand the world around you, and basic human behavior is overwhelming. I hoarded Esoterica because I could. I will never smoke all that I have. I will die before it is all consumed and my daughter will throw what's left into the garbage. That's called Liberty. That I can do with the fruits of my labor as I wish. And it's a beautiful thing.

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