Smoking Condor right now out of a clay pipe ... the clay is doing something to the soap. It tones it down, and indeed the flowery aspect of the blend is put forward. That is very odd, as I hardly smoke other blends that I like a lot from clay just because I don't like the stinginess of the tobacco as it comes out of clay. I have yet to try it in a meer, but before I take out my beloved block meer (I only have one - and I simply love it), I better make sure it won't ghost the heck out of it. Cob is another thing I will try .. At the end of the day, I think this may all be in my head. Like I initially mentioned, this tobacco grows on you. So like some members said, it may take a while to get used to - by the end of the first pack, we may be friends after all.
scloyd It may be found in duty free, but I don't think you'll run across the old recipe. I think this Japan International, Polish made is all there is available on the market.
virginialover I just ordered a tin of 1792 ... I figured I am finally man enough to face the tonqin.