Anyone Play Video Games?

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Can't Leave
May 16, 2017
I like hunting and sniping games and sometimes play theHunter Classic and Sniper Elite 2 or 3.
If I didn't spend so much money for all the tobacco I would invest it in a new rig to be able to play theHunter Call of the Wild and Sniper Elite 4. Maybe next year.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2019
I like hunting and sniping games and sometimes play theHunter Classic and Sniper Elite 2 or 3.
If I didn't spend so much money for all the tobacco I would invest it in a new rig to be able to play theHunter Call of the Wild and Sniper Elite 4. Maybe next year.
Sniper Elite 4 is good also. I would recommend it if you like 3. As a gunsmith my only criticism would be the mechanics of "upgrades". They make no sense at all. Currently I'm playing Sniper 3 Ghost Warrior.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
I find it interesting when World of Warcraft is brought up. It's a game that people loved and every time I talk to someone about it they came to the same conclusion: say goodbye to several years of your life.

My life when I played WoW hardcore was without fail like this:

Mon-Friday: wake up, have breakfast, go to university (was a PhD student at the time), leave around 5, go home, have dinner by 6, play until 1-2 AM.
Saturday: wake up, go food shopping, be home by 11 AM, play until I'd nearly pass out at 1-2 AM.
Sunday: wake up, play until 1-2 AM with some breaks for food/toilet.

That's a good 7-8 hours per day on weekdays, and upward of 12 hours on weekends. And I loved every minute of it! Some times I wonder how I managed to get that PhD!
I know people who legitimately played 12-15 hours of WoW each and every day for 2-3 years straight.

Fortunately, cell phones hadn't been developed when our son was a teen. I tend to think there's much more down-side to cell phones and social media than positives for teens.

For sure.


Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
Divinity: OS2 is on my list, but it seems like a pretty steep learning curve, and I want to save it for when I have some time to really dump in getting started with it. Didn't play the original game, and have very limited experience with games of the type. Sure seems like an awesome game, though.
Aug 1, 2012
Huge gaming fan here. I got into it when my cousins got their NES and shortly after that Oregon Trail on the school computers. Today I love the Nintendo systems (haven't got a Switch yet...that'll be remedied this summer) and my gaming computer. I'm currently working on a bit of a sentimental AMD build now that they've got great processors and graphics cards again. This has had to accelerate since my Alienware bit the dust.

What are my top games? These are the games I would, and have, feign sickness to stay home and play them, it is a short list.

  • Final Fantasy 3
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Planescape: Torment
These are in my top games list as well. Some of the others are :
  • Fallout 1 and 2 (before the series got tamed down)
  • Baldur's Gate 2
  • Mario 64
  • Mario Kart (all of them)
  • Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and 4
  • Star Wars KOTOR I and II
  • Stardew Valley
  • Deus Ex
  • Shadowrun
  • Worms
There are a ton of others but those are just off the top of my head.

I also enjoy Classic RPGs such as Divinity OS 2, and Pillers of Eternity II. Back in the day, I was all into combat flight simulators but I haven't been able to keep up with the hardware requirements.
More great games here. I also liked the flight sims as I could play them with my dad as he was a private pilot who did weather balloon chasing in his free time. He loved the flight mechanics of the smaller planes on Microsoft Flight Simulator as well as the fun of the aerial combat games. He can't play them any longer but it is one of the things we can talk about fondly.
Divinity: OS2 is on my list, but it seems like a pretty steep learning curve, and I want to save it for when I have some time to really dump in getting started with it. Didn't play the original game, and have very limited experience with games of the type. Sure seems like an awesome game, though.
It's not too hard to start without previous experience but you might have to restart the game once you get the feel for it (that's the way I usually start this kind of game). Afterwards it might be fun to go try the previous games (2 of them actually, one is fairly old in game terms).

Great thread. In fact, I'm going to go start up Stardew Valley on my wife's computer until she gets home. ?


Can't Leave
Nov 18, 2018
I have just never really tried an MMORPG. It's outside of my comfort zone, and I just prefer single player games. That said, I went way out of my comfort zone with Persona 5, which I really, really liked, so maybe I should just give it a try.

If you do try it be be aware it's super addictive. Especially if you join an active guild. There are pently of 18+ only guilds so you dont have to play with annoying kids lol.
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Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
I'm engrossed in Railroad Empire at the moment. I also enjoy Classic RPGs such as Divinity OS 2, and Pillers of Eternity II. Back in the day, I was all into combat flight simulators but I haven't been able to keep up with the hardware requirements.

I played Pillars of Eternity and liked it while playing but somehow I remember nothing of it apart from the final boss.

On the other hand, I have an intense hatred of the Divinity games, my best friend who is also a gamer just tells me I am bad, but I can't help it. I tried to play them, I even tried to like them, but they are the closest I've gotten to smashing something since the time we were playing competitive Street Fighter 2, Super Mario Kart, and Super Bomberman. I won't try to say anything about them because a lot of people rate them very high, but they are not for me at all.


Can't Leave
Nov 30, 2019
Montreal, QC
I like to play vidjagames for sure. I collect them.

I used to manage a 'retro' store back in the early 2000s (before it became cool - hah it was very much a nerdy/geeky place) and I was a buyer for a distribution firm supplying UK stores with import titles (mainly from Japan and the USA). So it was my job for quite a few years to be professionally obsessed with gaming.

I never got into MMORPG's. I play mostly (very) old stuff, and mostly arcade specific stuff (very niche). I haven't played much in a while though - I like too much stuff to list it all here. I definitely have soft-spots for some systems.

The last 'modern' game I got really into was Sekiro (which I thought was fantastic) and I really enjoyed Bayonetta and the Uncharted games. I do like a lot of the indie titles releasing these days (Shovel Knight, Cuphead, Celeste etc.)

I have arcade cabs or CRT's set up to play stg/shmups/shooters (whatever you choose to call them). I practice these and play for score. Favourites in that genre being Cave (bullet-hell) games and Raizing/8-ing titles or older IREM stuff. Armed Police Batrider, Battle Garegga (now on PS4!), Mushihimesama (various versions) and classics like Gradius II or R-Type, but I also still love Tempest.

I recently restored an old Neo-Geo MVS arcade cabinet and I'm getting back into the old Metal Slug games and 2D fighters on it (and Last Resort which is an excellent R-Type-like shooter). I'd recommend playing Mark of the Wolves or Last Blade (I or II). The annoying thing is that you really need friends to enjoy most of these titles and the second player needs to be as into it as you are (the glory days of the arcade are long gone).

Neo Geo is mostly fun 2P action and the kids these days don't really put the required effort into learning the nuances of older titles (or see the need to) from the 70's through to the late 90's. It's why I get frequently bored of a lot of the 'new stuff'. The game mechanics just aren't deep enough or it seems to be more about spectacle and immersion. I don't hate everything - and Indie titles definitely cater to the more hardcore/retro gamers.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 24, 2019
I also liked the flight sims as I could play them with my dad as he was a private pilot who did weather balloon chasing in his free time. He loved the flight mechanics of the smaller planes on Microsoft Flight Simulator as well as the fun of the aerial combat games. He can't play them any longer but it is one of the things we can talk about fondly.

You may have heard this news, but Microsoft has a new version of Flight Simulator coming out next year. The gameplay reveals look spectacular.
I used to play a lot of video games ... but lost interest 3/4 years ago. My elder son has taken my place

I owned PlayStation 2, Wii, XBox 360, and now a XBox 1 (Don’t remember whether it is 1S or 1X) and a Nintendo Switch

I used to love Microsoft Age of Empires Series on the PC. One of the fun things were to write AI rules for Age of Empires 2, while I watched. I was very sad that these are no longer available.

The father / son games which I used to enjoy (my son still plays, I do occasionally)

GTA series - I might still play again when GTA 6 comes out again
Forza Motorsport Series
I enjoyed occasional Minecraft. My son still plays Minecraft a lot
Sid Meyers Civilization 6 and Civilization Revolution


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2015
Sacramento, CA
My life when I played WoW hardcore was without fail like this:

Mon-Friday: wake up, have breakfast, go to university (was a PhD student at the time), leave around 5, go home, have dinner by 6, play until 1-2 AM.
Saturday: wake up, go food shopping, be home by 11 AM, play until I'd nearly pass out at 1-2 AM.
Sunday: wake up, play until 1-2 AM with some breaks for food/toilet.

That's a good 7-8 hours per day on weekdays, and upward of 12 hours on weekends. And I loved every minute of it! Some times I wonder how I managed to get that PhD!
I know people who legitimately played 12-15 hours of WoW each and every day for 2-3 years straight.
Very similar here except instead of going to school I was working. I basically ignored my wife after dinner so I could play until 1 or 2 at night and go to work the next day exhausted. And, just because I was at work didn't mean I wasn't thinking about the game or reading up on the latest on the forums. I also lived closed enough to home that I could go home on my lunch break and get a half hour of game time in before going back to work. I loved it then. I look back on it now and see it as a kind of prolonged sickness.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I was just curious if any members liked to play games... I've had an off and on interest since I was a kid, but for a long time I would mostly just play ports games or the occasional GTA or whatever. But lately, I've been playing a fair amount of RPGs, which I never would have imagined myself playing. It started out with actions RPGs like Elder Scrolls and The Witcher 3, but I just finished Persona 5 a few weeks ago. A Japanese RPG of all things. Turn-based, even! I actually loved it. Right now, I'm playing Diablo III, which I know is an old game, but it's new to me. I've always been a console guy, so I play the PS4 versions of the games I play.

What about you guys? What are you guys playing, if anything?
loved persona five what a weird game. It is a combo of visual novel and rpg weaved together wonderfully. I also love Katherine by the same people which is more a weird puzzle game and a relationship simulator thing. It is awesome. Currently playing Outerworlds which is awesome. It is a very obsidian game. Also if you like rpgs check out it has some gems that still are great, even if they're old and clunky and the graphics look shit. Oh yeah I love video games there are three things I spend money on video games, pipes, and my medicinal weed (which seriously has improved my quality of life by virtue of not involving Oxycontin or Percocet. Otherwise I'am pretty miserly.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Zelda Zelda Zelda...if you get the switch get Breath of the Wild. One of the best games I've played. And I spent some time smoking a pipe playing the Wii port of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, all good.

For JRPG, Eternal Sonata is beautiful. Sound, images, story, all of it.
Yes that game was very good. A little easier then I like. I feel like I get more mileage from games if I crank up the difficulty to just below frustration levels.
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