Speaking of which, I find that wearing no underwear to be a lot like wearing a cowbell that only I can hear.
So if I go to visit someone and take my shoes off (kind of a Canadian thing) taking my pants off would be no different? :crazy:Socks are underwear, they are worn under one's shoes/boots
:rofl: Never considered thatI think that would hinge on the purpose of the visit.
I suppose it can happen if the pipe looks fairly unused, but an estate pipe that is obviously well-smoked with years if not decades of break-in on it, I hardly think so. I haven't yet had a single bad estate pipe, and if I got it at a good price, all the better. I like old things and it gives me great pleasure to take what might have been a lost, forgotten, neglected or even abandoned pipe from its prior owner get a whole new life, restored as new, and loved and cherished again to be allowed to continue to fulfill its maker's purpose!Does a pipe which found it's way to "estate" status because it was a poor smoking pipe