Good point, @orobusto. I guess we may be smoking with a few ghosts when we enjoy our estate pipes. I'm personally glad it creeps some people out, as it will keep the prices lower that way.
Exactly! Too each his own, and personally - thank you to everyone, who for whatever reasons, does not compete in the estate pipe market. I mean that sincerely.
It is tough enough with those already willing to buy them.
When I fist started buying better quality estates that were relatively inexpensive. With many people, like myself, being educated by quality information shared by various members here on the forum and elsewhere, they are getting more competitive to bid on. Ahhhh....the good old days :wink:
Exactly! Too each his own, and personally - thank you to everyone, who for whatever reasons, does not compete in the estate pipe market. I mean that sincerely.
When I fist started buying better quality estates that were relatively inexpensive. With many people, like myself, being educated by quality information shared by various members here on the forum and elsewhere, they are getting more competitive to bid on. Ahhhh....the good old days :wink: