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  1. Pipeh

    STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

    ... something something perique ...
  2. Pipeh

    STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

    It's not just meager growth, it's negative: 1279.5 was the 2022 number, 1239 is the 2023 number.
  3. Pipeh

    STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

    oops. that is unintentionally hilarious. I meant "to add some stuff"
  4. Pipeh

    STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

    Well, I thought I was done buying tobacco, but I guess not quite yet. I still don't think I'll ever smoke everything in my cellar, but I just placed an order to ass some stuff I don't have yet, just in case.
  5. Pipeh

    Spotted...In The Wild!

    Sure. But imagine that scenario in a world where you didn't know anyone else who wiped...
  6. Pipeh

    Old Codger All Day Smoking with One Pipe

    You might like trying a reuseable chamber brush - I think it's less messy than a paper towel.
  7. Pipeh

    What Shape is this Second Pipe? How does it Work?

    Ahh - reclining makes more sense, thank you. Now I'm thinking about what if someone used this pipe while lunting - with the bowl facing forward, turning into an air-scoop that collects the wind as you walk... ember glowing so bright as to light your way on a moonless night.
  8. Pipeh

    What Shape is this Second Pipe? How does it Work?

    If you look at the second pipe of this two pipe set: Would you call this a horn? A Zulu? It appears to me that the chamber opening will be facing the ground when you smoke it, no? Or are you supposed to rotate the stem...
  9. Pipeh

    Need Some Recommendations for Quality Aromatics!

    I'd suggest Ken Byron Ventures Moriarty if you like aromatics.
  10. Pipeh

    Developing flavorful moisture

    Consider me a moistboy.
  11. Pipeh

    Good and Bad Experiences Smoking in Public

    Profile pic looks good for a 700 year old!
  12. Pipeh

    DIY Aromatic Flavoring Experiments?

    Start searching this site and other sites in the web for key words related to aromatics, including "topping", "sauce", "casing" Check out some threads in the home blending section of this forum: For example...
  13. Pipeh

    Saving Dottle for Smoking Later?

    I've collected it. After a smoke, I would just dump the dottle and ash into a jar. After a few months, I would put the contents into a sieve, and get rid of the dusty ash, then jar up the remainder. I've only smoked a couple bowls, however. It wasn't bad at all, and I wouldn't have much...
  14. Pipeh

    Adding other Smokable Leaves to Pipe Tobacco?

    I like to add a small bit of eucalyptus or sage from time to time when walking in my backyard. not for an entire bowl, just as a pop of different flavor. And I've found a large selection of kinnikinnick at a website called Grandfather's Spirit...
  15. Pipeh

    Old German Clay Pipe Question

    I can't compare to these double walled pipes you are talking about, since I don't know anything about those, but I did get an old german clay pipe with an acrylic stem. The way that the stem connects to the pipe was surprising to me - the clay stummel and the plastic stem are coupled together by...
  16. Pipeh

    "Cure" for Latakia Mouth?

    I stopped using it because I got paranoid about the parabens in the ingredients, but also because I don't really suffer from tongue bite anymore, and my pipe-breath has become less noticeable to me.
  17. Pipeh

    Cinnamon and Cloves?

    I have heard that Samuel Gawith's RB Plug has clove in it, but I can't seem to get it in the US. I was hoping that I might be able to purchase some when I take a UK trip later this year, but now it looks like every UK e-retailer I can see is running low or out of stock.
  18. Pipeh

    Caitlin Clark left off Women's Olympic Basketball Team.

    No, it's currently in the General Pipe Smoking Discussion section, not the General Discussion section. I tried skimming through the thread, but didn't see any reference to the players doing alley-oops with a cob full of...
  19. Pipeh

    Caitlin Clark left off Women's Olympic Basketball Team.

    Shouldn't this discussion be in the General Discussion section?
  20. Pipeh

    Storing 8oz+?

    If you don't notice any change, they you are probably fine. But for me, I noticed that my tobacco became too dry within a few weeks after opening a tin, and I didn't enjoy it as much, so now I immediately move it to a mason jar. That experience is also why I don't heed the oft-suggested advice...