Oddly, I’ve developed a taste for my own blend, even though I don’t have a set recipe that I follow- I just tweak it occasionally if I think some particular quality is missing and include any odd tobaccos that are otherwise laying around unused.
I’ve been making cakes and spritzing them with...
Second try- more tobacco (my mixed pouch of leavings, some RP ‘Rich & Warm’ and some leaf tobacco that I had run through an old cast iron shredder), more absinthe and more pressure.
I left it under pressure for a couple of hours and was rewarded with a perfect little cake that was good for two...
Well, she was looking for Christmas tree ornaments, so why not decorate the tree with pipes?
And find a few underneath it come Christmas morning!puffy?
This is about what it looks like, but without the handle. Probably smaller also, so if I like the result, I’ll keep this in mind for larger cakes. Thanks!
I bought an herb press, with the idea of taking some of my old, dried out tobacco and combining it with some moister modern tobaccos and making some of my own small cakes, perhaps with a bit of Bourbon, Rum or Absinthe.
At least they don’t shriek when you bite!
Seriously, though, I never liked to get a bit with a lot of “chatter”, so I’m paying it forward out of consideration for the fact that someday these will be someone else’s pipes.
I might be more concerned about some idiot dopers trying to hold me up for what they think is my stash!
So don’t act like you have something to hide! puffy
I put myself out there, smoking almost every day on the front patio, quietly occupying myself with my journals, my iPad or a newspaper as the world goes by, happily separated from the hustle & bustle that people get caught up in.
I suppose, though, that they could get it repaired faster than they they can light a fire under whatever low level official is responsible for delivering the goods in a timely manner!rotf