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Mar 11, 2018
It isn't super common, but I do encounter other pipe smokers here in Germany. There is a fellow pipe smoker who lives nearby and if I'm in town I'll sometimes see men walking along smoking a pipe or seated at a cafe while enjoying a bowl.

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Anybody who takes the beach road down here is subject to distracted driving! ??
Got over that at 15. These are the only curves to hold my attention.



Can't Leave
Nov 14, 2019
Indian Ocean
With so few sightings it makes me think that pipe smokers prefer to keep their activity (if not secret) then certainly private

Why would that be?

Can a pipe be successfully enjoyed in public or around others, or is it more suited to being an individual pursuit?

For public spaces I'll regularly light up at the golf club after a round or at the local beach restaurant (both outdoor seating) & sometimes in the car so I guess I'm there to be spotted

So, do you put yourself 'out there' & if not, why not?


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 9, 2019
Atlantic Beach, FL
I live in a beach community and love to sit at outside beach bars and restaurants enjoying my pipe. But I have learned to expect some looks. I'm not an older guy. I don't have a beard and I really don't want to be labeled as the guy just doing it for attention. But I don't like to think that I have to hide either.

I was approached last night, while in a cigar bar smoking, by a lady who said that she liked the smell and that it reminded her of her father.

BUT, I can't think of any other way to meet other pipe smokers, than going out and waving that flag.

Hope that didn't come out as babbling.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 5, 2019
South Florida
I put myself out there, smoking almost every day on the front patio, quietly occupying myself with my journals, my iPad or a newspaper as the world goes by, happily separated from the hustle & bustle that people get caught up in.
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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
With so few sightings it makes me think that pipe smokers prefer to keep their activity (if not secret) then certainly private
Most non forum types do. I personally don't like to be approached about it and rarely have been.
Can a pipe be successfully enjoyed in public or around others, or is it more suited to being an individual pursuit?
Many smokers where I live so a pipe rarely raises an eyebrow. They have their cigarettes or cigars, I have a pipe.
So, do you put yourself 'out there' & if not, why not?
I really don't see pipe smoking as an oddity, it's just one of the ways I use tobacco. I have a pipe in my jaw at home, work, driving, walking, or whatever else I'm doing and others have their tobacco fix how they like.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 13, 2019
Just once... I had never really smoked anything before in my life (save the occasional cigarette and cigar in college) I have always, and still do, lead a clean/healthy lifestyle (I am 47). This past summer I was at Harrods and saw their pipe kiosk... I was enchanted. As I pondered giving it a shot, ironically while I was jogging, I saw an old timer in my neighborhood sitting outside enjoying a pipe. I smelled the lovely, unmistakable aroma a half block before actually getting to his house. I struck up a conversation. He's in his mid 80's been smoking 6 bowls/day for decades... Captain Black Gold exclusively. "It won't hurt ya" he told me about piping. He looked happy and fit.

Now, I am only 6 bowls into my piping career, so I have not fully committed to it yet, but I think this was the only time I saw someone smoking a pipe.



Can't Leave
Oct 9, 2019
Lake Elsinore, CA
Why would that be?

I am most likely wrong but I like to think it's out of respect. "Smoking" has a bad rap these days and people can be offended by cigarettes and cigars. I only smoke my pipe in safe spaces (some bars have smoking patios, I am a member at the local B&M for access to their smoking lounge) out of respect to those that are also relegated to these spaces. I do get the impression that Pipes are more accepted by the populace that cigarettes and cigars and I think I could get away with smoking in "the wild" but I try to restrict myself.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I do get the impression that Pipes are more accepted by the populace that cigarettes and cigars and I think I could get away with smoking in "the wild" but I try to restrict myself.
When I see no smoking signs, I will still ask if it means pipes, and I have never been told that I cannot smoke my pipe. They almost always just say that the sign means cigarettes.

I smoke my pipe out and about all the time, since it is always in my clench. I have been known to walk into the grocery store and be as far as the frozen foods before I realize that I am still smoking, but no one ever gives me a second look or says anything.

Plus, here in Alabama I see pipesmokers quite frequently. I have even been places, usually waiting on my wife to shop, when I have attracted a few other pipesmokers. It seems etiquette to avoid talking about smoking when you meet a fellow pipesmoker in the wild. I usually get the "oh crap" feeling when another pipesmokers wants to chat about pipes. It's just so... neophyte to do so, and all of those conversations leaves us both feeling awkward. It's just so... do you know more than me, or I am going to show off what I know type of bullshit.

I would suggest just waving or nodding in acknowledgement when you see a pipesmoker, but avoid the whole, "what you smoking? or what kinda pipe is that?" questions. I'll save pipe talk for the forums. I really don't care if someone wants to start smoking a pipe. It's not my obligation to teach someone anything. On here at least I can cherry pick what I will help someone with. Plus, when I am out and about smoking, answering a damn question ruins the whole smoking experience. puffy


Sep 13, 2019
Guerneville, CA
I saw a pipe smoker in my city (rural out-of-the-way place) just 2-3 days ago He was smoking a pipe while filling up his truck with gas. Although he was inside his cab while the gas was pumping, I thought it best not to make contact. In fact, I was going to pull in for gas at that station (my favorite) myself. Instead, I went across the street to fill up at the only other gas station in town, a gas station I don't usually care to patronize. Given my options at the time, I feel good about the decision I made.


Nov 13, 2019
jeez.. I don't think it's that bad telling people about it.
I smoke out in the wild constantly.. either in the car or taking the dog out, etc etc.
I guess I'm the neophyte who wants to discuss the tobacco and pipes...
mainly because I have no one else to discuss it with in person.
My wife grows weary of hearing about pipes or tobacco.

I think we need to be out in the open more, fraternizing and discussing tobacco and pipes but what do I know?


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Yeah, I guess it depends on the person, as with pretty much everything. Speaking for myself, I'm in BROBs camp (except I don't have a wife to get tired of hearing about what I enjoy); thus, I wouldn't mind answering questions about pipes or tobacco in general, and I'd like to ask questions about it too. It certainly beats being accosted by antis "worrying" about your health and lecturing you to get you to quit.


Sep 13, 2019
Guerneville, CA
Other than the recent (first monthly) AK Pipe Club meeting, I’ve only ever seen one. Unfortunately he was a gibberish babbling homeless man that was completely out of his gourd. I fled.

Picturing a homeless guy with a pipe out in the Alaskan wilderness. Ha! What's wrong with me? Of course, Alaska does have its urban settings.


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Doesn't the pipe smoke stink up your car? Curious.....
That's why I don't do English blends!!

My car smells wonderful due to the all the pipe smoke. I'm a dedicated aro smoker, though.

To be honest, yes, I do Englishes and VA/VaPers every now and then, and Lakelands too. But even these don't stink up my car, and if they were to, the next bowl or two of Auenland would do away with the campfire stink.
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