I do get the impression that Pipes are more accepted by the populace that cigarettes and cigars and I think I could get away with smoking in "the wild" but I try to restrict myself.
When I see no smoking signs, I will still ask if it means pipes, and I have never been told that I cannot smoke my pipe. They almost always just say that the sign means cigarettes.
I smoke my pipe out and about all the time, since it is always in my clench. I have been known to walk into the grocery store and be as far as the frozen foods before I realize that I am still smoking, but no one ever gives me a second look or says anything.
Plus, here in Alabama I see pipesmokers quite frequently. I have even been places, usually waiting on my wife to shop, when I have attracted a few other pipesmokers. It seems etiquette to avoid talking about smoking when you meet a fellow pipesmoker in the wild. I usually get the "oh crap" feeling when another pipesmokers wants to chat about pipes. It's just so... neophyte to do so, and all of those conversations leaves us both feeling awkward. It's just so... do you know more than me, or I am going to show off what I know type of bullshit.
I would suggest just waving or nodding in acknowledgement when you see a pipesmoker, but avoid the whole, "what you smoking? or what kinda pipe is that?" questions. I'll save pipe talk for the forums. I really don't care if someone wants to start smoking a pipe. It's not my obligation to teach someone anything. On here at least I can cherry pick what I will help someone with. Plus, when I am out and about smoking, answering a damn question ruins the whole smoking experience.