Ah, what would life be without it?
Maybe that’s why I have Softy bits on all my pipes?
Maybe that’s why I have Softy bits on all my pipes?
I rarely clench but when I do I am usually working and have found that I bite too hard so the softy bits save my stems. I use them on p lips as well. They slide down nicely just below the hole.I don't see how softy bits would make the.....oh I see. More like a nipple. I don't know. I've a wife, bless her soul. I don't like the feel of softy bits personally (prefer the real deal). What does this line of reasoning have to say about the Peterson P-lip?
Check your stocking this Christmas! You might get some pink softies!No softie bits for me. I'm not that comfortable with my masculinity.
Check your stocking this Christmas! You might get some pink softies!
I rarely clench but when I do I am usually working and have found that I bite too hard so the softy bits save my stems. I use them on p lips as well. They slide down nicely just below the hole.