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  1. NookersTheCat

    "This Member Limits Who May View Their Full Profile. "

    Literally this. I mean, this is a public forum (as I've been reminded myself here by others lol) If you fear exposure then just stay away..?
  2. NookersTheCat

    "This Member Limits Who May View Their Full Profile. "

    As I stated within the first 3 words of my post (that you literally quoted yourself), I was joking. Sorry but I will definitely never be "mature" enough to stop making obvious and good-natured jokes.. what a sad life that must be. If you can't differentiate between that and a threat.. well that...
  3. NookersTheCat

    Who Is Your Favorite Pipe Tobacco Blender?

    No problem brother, trust me I know how it goes. I'm literally typing this from my office computer as we speak... and as you know, I'm on Eastern Standard Time 😅😪
  4. NookersTheCat

    Who Is Your Favorite Pipe Tobacco Blender?

    Definitely try TK-6! It's my absolute favorite aromatic currently produced. It's cherry but they soften it with vanilla. It's incredibly balanced and smooth imo... def my (current production) deserted island tobacco. PS, I'm sending out that other "Cherry" tomorrow ;)
  5. NookersTheCat

    Turkish Pipe Club - PipoTR

    Sad to hear again.. we don't have the Brigham tobaccos but my love for their pipes made me want to love their blends lol
  6. NookersTheCat

    Turkish Pipe Club - PipoTR

    Wow I knew you guys had it rough but not how much. So I guess most of the Sutliff stuff wasn't even really available to you right? Being US sale only probably spotty and difficult and expensive at best... at least you can get Cubans tho I guess..?
  7. NookersTheCat

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2025?***

    Geeze, Dottle... you really suck at loading that bowl when it comes to efficiency. Mind me paying postage for ya to mail me your droppings?? 😂😉
  8. NookersTheCat

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2025?***

    Keep reaching for this one... I'm a big Aromatic English guy and I think this is becoming my top favorite of the Squire's offerings in that arena. Having some rum and cokes for thirsty Thursday 😂 (Remembering now how my freshman roommates used to go out tn to the under 21 club.. my God I really...
  9. NookersTheCat

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2025?***

    Always love these tidbits! They always satisfy my history-nerd fetish part of our hobby haha
  10. NookersTheCat

    Favorite Youtube Channel?

    Same. I've basically cut out literally every other form of social media.. esp since I got in a longterm relationship, when I got off the dating apps and buckled down at work it made it easy to get off everything else. FB, IG, and all these short form video apps are just life wasters.. at least...
  11. NookersTheCat

    Double Filtered Pipe

    I'd love to get one of those $500 Vauens to let ya know but considering how much I just dropped on the Sutliff/MB fiasco that's not gonna happen til sometime in 2032... 😅😂
  12. NookersTheCat

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2025?***

    Now that's a blend I'd never even heard of! And I knew of D&R's old tin series (tho sadly never acquired any before they got axed :( )
  13. NookersTheCat

    How to Smoke a Full Bowl Without Altering the Taste?

    Great point about aromatics. As someone who loves aro's myself I can still admit that it's a rare, high quality, aromatic that retains its desireability to the very end. The late great Holiday Spirit comes to mind. Tho some current aromatic english varieties (Eastfarthing) come to mind too...
  14. NookersTheCat

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2025?***

    Lazy tn.. no fancy photography or beautiful hand-carved churchwardens... just a quick 2nd breakfast in my trusty, crusty ole Diplomat lol
  15. NookersTheCat

    How to Smoke a Full Bowl Without Altering the Taste?

    I was gonna ask myself how much people tend to throw out. People talk all the time about smoking every bowl "to the very bottom leaving nothing but white ash" whereas ime this is almost never possible. A few select blends and if I'm in the mood, but generally I can't stand smoking the last 1/4...
  16. NookersTheCat

    Found A Leak In My Jeep Radiator

    Not only that... the subscription EVERYTHING model now. The reason most people buy a new car (whether they realize or not how mechanically inferior they are when it comes to durability) is due to creature comforts. Well now BMW (and reports show most others are shortly following suit) charges...
  17. NookersTheCat

    Found A Leak In My Jeep Radiator

    Yeah mechanically speaking most of the cars today are garbage.. and the increase in value of older utility vehicles is starting to show it. They use "environmentalism"/fuel efficiency as a cover to make crappy tiny engines that are turbo'd out so hard they blow up at 150k miles. Or CVT's like...
  18. NookersTheCat

    "This Member Limits Who May View Their Full Profile. "

    Joke's on you, I'm actually a quadruple PhD in Moss identification... all your backgrounds have given you away.. now the London Dock and all your other nautical themed cellar shall be mine muahahahahaaaa!!! 😂
  19. NookersTheCat

    Hello All!

    Consider yourself very lucky... my grandpa was what got me into pipe smoking too though my family just threw out all his stuff when he passed (I was 7 so didn't have any say in the matter). I still remember the intoxicating smell of Middleton Cherry coming from his den room easy chair... that...
  20. NookersTheCat

    The Contradiction I Feel.

    Why is that? Just wondering... I've seen a few of his vids... generally okay to annoyingly slow and mundane imo lol Is there some kind of beef I don't know about though? haha