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3 Fresh Chris Asteriou Pipes
12 Fresh Ser Jacopo Pipes
4 Fresh The French Pipe Pipes
2 Fresh Micah Redmond Pipes
60 Fresh Ropp Pipes

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  1. NookersTheCat

    Are we Really Losing That Much With the Closures of Mac Baren and Sutliff?

    Yes, unfortunately another limited edition tho it's already been in stock for weeks so hopefully one that will be available long enough! ... if not possibly made to stay now that alot of their competition was knee-capped :)
  2. NookersTheCat

    How Many Blends Do You Have in Rotation?

    Great to see I'm not the only insane one here lmao But yeah in general I'd say probably about a dozen or so that are at any 1 time "in my rotation" but there's probably only 3 or 4 out of the hundred or more i have hoarded that I can genuinely call "my blends"... I'm a "collector" type of...
  3. NookersTheCat

    Are we Really Losing That Much With the Closures of Mac Baren and Sutliff?

    Perhaps try the new Toscano series? I'm not a huge DFK fan myself, but I've been seeing it get great reviews by those who are... and one assumes Toscano knows a thing or 2 about that kinda leaf. Just a suggestion :)
  4. NookersTheCat

    Double Filtered Pipe

    No problem.. unfortunately I'm not aware of any that you can just buy but perhaps a pipemaker would be able to make a custom one for you... I know there's pipe makers that repair/replace stems but you'll have to do some digging because some of them (Boswell is an unfortunate example) refuse to...
  5. NookersTheCat

    Double Filtered Pipe

    They actually take 3 filters believe it or not... but no, and trust me I've looked. Currently on the market I do not know of another 9mm pipe that can hold more than 1 filter at a time. Have you ever tried the Auenland series? They're only 1 filter but the churchwarden design/stem length...
  6. NookersTheCat

    How Best To Dry Out A Damp Morta?

    Def the rice is the way to go imo.. as an electronics engineer anyway I can state there's nothing better for slowly and gently absorbing moisture from tight, sensitive places (grow up, now 😂) you don't want it to be except maybe silicone beads but they're 100x the price. Plus it's that time of...
  7. NookersTheCat

    How Best To Dry Out A Damp Morta?

    Umm... as a citizen of this planet/general observer of natural phenomenon, I must respectfully disagree with this assertion 😅 Briar is def a tighter grain that doesn't absorb as readily.. but it's still porous.
  8. NookersTheCat

    Milan Tobacconist in Roanoke VA “Our” Blends

    I've found the same with "their" Middleton's Cherry as well.. that top note is just too proprietary to ever recreate imo without a chemist panel and GS/Mass Spectrometry analysis. I'm def keen to try their PA/CH blends tho, esp before any potential Sutliff changes/substitutions... they seem to...
  9. NookersTheCat

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2025?***

    Beautiful Ashton... which brand of RC tea do you prefer? just curious..
  10. NookersTheCat

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2025?***

    I just made my first CS purchase during the Dark Holler release and noticed this as well, but didn't have any baseline to compare it to... do you think they changed the blend or it was solely just the humidity level? I wanted to love it because of all the hype but tbh so far it's proving to be...
  11. NookersTheCat

    Tips for Making a Clay Pipe Please?

    I'd look more into its ingredients (like I said, I'm no art major/professional clay worker haha) I just know that modelling clay is different so, yeah in general that sounds like it would be more akin to what the retail clay pipes are made of... I just know that they are kiln fired, not air...
  12. NookersTheCat

    Captain Black Little Filtered Cigars

    I've been meaning to try these for forever but like you, have put it off because I'd only found full cartons and they're actually alot more money than most "filtered cigars". I'd always assumed that this price difference (over double) was because they used legit Captain Black pipe tobacco, but...
  13. NookersTheCat

    Tips for Making a Clay Pipe Please?

    Though I'm not an art major I have used modelling clay and traditional clay and I can say almost certainly not. Modelling clay is meant for kids to make figures out of like play-dough then become "hard" simply by air drying... tobacco pipes are made from more traditional types of wet clays that...
  14. NookersTheCat

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    Hmph.. you're definitely misunderstanding me if you thought it was envy.. we may just not be able to effectively communicate with one another. My point was it's a part of an unattractive attitude of superiority I've seen more of lately on pipe boards by some, and the reason I got off other...
  15. NookersTheCat

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    You've been here far longer and more often than me, you've either seen it already or have chosen not to but idt anything I show is gonna change that conclusion. Plus, just too many 9-10 hour days in the office and my friends are ready to meet up for the rare match of Halo we barely get...
  16. NookersTheCat

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    Yeah I can show multiple examples from some of the top members here, especially in response to newer members' concerns over the Sutliff situation when it broke, but it's not worth my time. Old Sable here is just always gonna disagree with me on anything and everything, I've come to accept lol
  17. NookersTheCat

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    Lol, another excellent point. At the end of the day this product (while especially reviled by regulators) is not in a vacuum.. just look at the state of the world in general for a barometer of things to come...
  18. NookersTheCat

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    Oh what a beautiful fantasy haha... unfortunately from what I've read/understand, even if a stable, free-market minded, tobacco & Syrian-Heritage friendly government were established yesterday (spoiler alert, it wasn't lol)... it would still take somewhere between 30 years and never for Syrian...
  19. NookersTheCat

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    I agree on basically everything you've said, as usual. It's just the middle portion that ticks me off with some members on here and other forums (not you ofc, you bring up having had the opportunity to cellar what you've been able as a blessing as I try to do too... and it's been my exact...
  20. NookersTheCat

    Pipe Tobacco is no Good Anymore/Better Than Before

    It's a super complicated question having to do with all the factors already mentioned here and more. Government subsidies, skill of blenders/producers, size and type of the market, etc. Personally though, I definitely think that *on balance*, it can be said that we are currently declining and...