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Jan 31, 2011
I think what Musk ought to do is cover both ends of the spectrum. He's already making the most absurd hi-tech so-called cars out there (I call them devices). He should start another company making throwback, true absolute basic, gas powered, automobiles.

He's the only one out there with the means who might actually do such a thing. I think they'd sell like hotcakes.


Can't Leave
Sep 10, 2020
I'll never own another modern car... When all the old basic ones are gone I'll just buy a damn horse.
Yeah mechanically speaking most of the cars today are garbage.. and the increase in value of older utility vehicles is starting to show it. They use "environmentalism"/fuel efficiency as a cover to make crappy tiny engines that are turbo'd out so hard they blow up at 150k miles. Or CVT's like my Subaru that blow at 150k miles (got suckered by their heritage/reputation of durability... same thing with Jeep, Toyota, etc.)

It's got nothing to do with efficiency... it's got to do with keeping you a debt slave your whole life cause you'll never own something longer than 7 years (average lifespan of a Tesla battery). I like Musk overall... just like Mr. BriarLee, but his facts aren't all there. Musk made most of his money by govt grants, clever financing, and selling carbon offset credits.. not vehicles. And there's multiple studies showing how (apart from there abysmal effect on wildlife) wind turbines don't make enough electricity over their lifespan to offset how much energy goes into producing and maintaining them. They're by far the biggest scam in "Green Energy" and that's saying something.

Also, as an electronics engineer who works in electrical distribution systems, I can state that there's simply no way we're gonna reach even 50% EV adoption before we're all dead.. probably never. Our grid can't even handle the ones we have now demand-wise and most of them are owned by rich people who already own 1 or more gas vehicles as backups.

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
I learned my lesson a few years back when I sold a friend of mine a 2019 Hyundai Sonata, it had maybe 500 miles on it. Practically a new car. Within 10,000 miles it started pouring oil from several places.

The car is at 150k now and has been through 2 engines.

Worth noting though... Hyundai did give him the 2 engines and the labor for no additional charge.

I was so shocked by the whole thing, because 15-20 years ago those were pretty good cars.

There have always been lemons, but that's not what this was. This kind of stuff has been common across different makes.

That aint progress.
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Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
I think what Musk ought to do is cover both ends of the spectrum. He's already making the most absurd hi-tech so-called cars out there (I call them devices). He should start another company making throwback, true absolute basic, gas powered, automobiles.

He's the only one out there with the means who might actually do such a thing. I think they'd sell like hotcakes.

People are begging for this.

It's funny that the car makers act like they don't know it.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 13, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
I sold an old Chevy Sidestep when I sold the farm. I need to get me an older model truck to have as a hobby, just in case…

You might be shocked by the prices. You'll pay "too much" unless you're really lucky.

But those old trucks are worth about what they costed new, and if they're in good shape they'll only go up. It's safe to say you won't lose any money if you ever decide to sell it.
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Can't Leave
Sep 10, 2020
If you guys would just buy a few extra car warranties, you wouldn’t have to worry, ha ha
Not only that... the subscription EVERYTHING model now. The reason most people buy a new car (whether they realize or not how mechanically inferior they are when it comes to durability) is due to creature comforts. Well now BMW (and reports show most others are shortly following suit) charges you a monthly/annual fee to activate your seat heat, etc. I myself was lied to when I bought my Subaru.. was told they couldn't possibly install a remote start (one-time hardware install) on my push-button start crosstrek, had to be subscription/ app based. Found out after the sale closed it was a blatant lie.

Tesla and other companies too.. charging monthly fees to attain full-speed performance modes, self driving, safety features, etc. This is the future... "You vill own nutzing and beh happy!!!" 🙃


Mar 7, 2013
Not only that... the subscription EVERYTHING model now. The reason most people buy a new car (whether they realize or not how mechanically inferior they are when it comes to durability) is due to creature comforts. Well now BMW (and reports show most others are shortly following suit) charges you a monthly/annual fee to activate your seat heat, etc. I myself was lied to when I bought my Subaru.. was told they couldn't possibly install a remote start (one-time hardware install) on my push-button start crosstrek, had to be subscription/ app based. Found out after the sale closed it was a blatant lie.

Tesla and other companies too.. charging monthly fees to attain full-speed performance modes, self driving, safety features, etc. This is the future... "You vill own nutzing and beh happy!!!" 🙃


The most anyone will "own" in another 20 years is their name on a pre-approved/vetted potential "buyer" list... meaning subscriber list.

Not just cars, but any significant-cost consumer item that is mechanical/non-inert: Refrigerators, stoves, security systems, boats, computers, sound systems, you name it.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Curious as to the reason a lawyer from Bugtussle would attend . Are you a member of some kind of elec advisory/supervising board ?

I have to be careful how I say this , but I question the motives/wisdom that will be applied in Cali........

Taunia 2001 Copy_Original.jpeg

In the Bible we are told, the first man Adam had everything

Had a horse 20 hands high, that would outrun Man of War

Had a fleet of 454 cowl induction Chevelles and 426 Hemis

Had free gasoline, high test, running out from the rocks

Had his own airplane and yacht too.

His lush pastures stretched clean out of sight.

They were filled with fat cattle, that milked themselves, and the cedars would not grow there.

But Adam was lonesome.

One morning Adam woke up, and his side hurt, and he was missing a rib, and he looked over and said

Wow, there really must be——a God!.:)

(Actual Christian Church sermons from my youth)

Once I asked my Mama, how do I get a pretty girl to like me

And she smiled and said, your father needs to help you with that problem, go ask him

So I ran out to the milk barn and asked him, and said Mama told me you’d know how I can get myself a pretty girl

He said it’s really simple Vanny

Wait until the pretty girl comes up to you.


My sweetie learned the Wonderful One Hoss Shay from a seventh grade teacher, who looked like me, in Mitchell South Dakota.

She has been my front desk eye candy paralegal office manager assistant since 2001.

And all I wanted was a sandwich at Cabela’s in Mitchell on my way to hunt pheasants with my buddies in Winner, when she was taking her three children out to eat.

I was as conservative as she was liberal.

As Christian as she was a stone cold atheist.

I think I read about the nuclear power debates or maybe she did, but of course we wanted to go.

It was at the Ethical Society

If my father had been alive, he couldn’t have designed a better church than those secular humanist atheists had.

It was set up exactly, totally, in all respects as every Christian Church I’ve ever seen, only no Salman’s Jesus on the spot where they had a pagan symbol they substitute.

They seat 400 for the Sunday services.

And rent the whole place out to the sinners, so they can do more good service for the Master.:)

There were about a hundred people in this annex room. I will never see so many Prius cars and gray haired skinny legged men and women on bicycles.:)

By the last debate this 150 capacity room was overflowing.


The moderator was just a classically evil Hunger Games level emcee in the employ of Union Electric.

On his right sat a dozen unlucky employees of Union Electric.

Pitted against them was the angry mob, of do gooders out to save the planet.

And I got to be, the man in the middle.

The only one there with an open mind.

The only soul there with no agenda.

The do gooders had a kid fresh from school who was, a brilliant light and talented.

But the evil Hunger Games emcee had a PhD Nuclear Scientist from the Rolla School of Mines (UMR) with forty years experience, so it wasn’t much contest.:)

But part of the fun, was I got full reign to cross examining the PhD, and now and again the evil emcee would make him shut up.:)

I learned more in three sessions than I could imagine.

First, the waste problem is the do gooders won’t allow the waste to be entombed in Cheyenne mountain.

The utilities problem is sheer arrogance.

Just one Fukushima here and they’ll never build another nuclear plant until Christ comes, to call the faithful home.

They build those plants by big rivers in shithole, poverty stricken, ignorant places like Humansville thinking those people don’t matter.

And once built they’ll never get shut down because it’s the safest, cheapest, best way we know how to generate base line power.

New Coal is dead. Not because of the do gooders or the dad blasted gubbermint, but because of cheap natural gas.

New Hydro is dead. They’ve harnessed all the rivers big enough to harness. Besides it’s not reliable, the rivers run dry.

Geothermal won’t provide enough power.

Solar sucks for the Big Solar Farm. Bad idea.
Solar will make a great replacement for shingled roofs.

There’s only two choices for base line power, gas or nuclear.

A gas plant can be built in a few years for one billion.

The nukes cost twenty billion and take twenty years, and they have to fight all those do gooders.:)

Since those debates the cost of wind power has dropped below two cents a kilowatt for new build, and it makes a Jed Clampett out of the lucky farmer in the right wind zone.:)

And there will be boomtowns by the lithium mines!

Sing one, George!

Union Electric did not get approval for new reactors at Callaway.

Not yet.

The biggest reason, is Union Electric can throw up a three million dollar wind turbine that will charge up thousands of electric cars every night.


The typical capacity factor for wind farms in Iowa is about 1/3, so the average output is 1 MW. In other words, a single wind turbine in Iowa would power almost 3000 cars being driven as much as we drive ours. So to power 1 million such cars, you would need perhaps 350 3 MW wind turbines.


Most things folks tell you aren’t lies.

They know not what they say, you know?
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Aug 30, 2011
I think what Musk ought to do is cover both ends of the spectrum. He's already making the most absurd hi-tech so-called cars out there (I call them devices). He should start another company making throwback, true absolute basic, gas powered, automobiles.

He's the only one out there with the means who might actually do such a thing. I think they'd sell like hotcakes.
Bring a bare bones Hilux to the states and see what happens.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
I think what Musk ought to do is cover both ends of the spectrum. He's already making the most absurd hi-tech so-called cars out there (I call them devices). He should start another company making throwback, true absolute basic, gas powered, automobiles.

He's the only one out there with the means who might actually do such a thing. I think they'd sell like hotcakes.

Look on television and you’ll see Toyota pickups are the favorite vehicle of suicide bombers and jihadists and used to be very popular in the USA along with them there Dat-Sun (Nissan) pickups years ago. Not no more. Why?

Small pickup trucks have little market in the USA primarily due to consumer preference for larger vehicles, the "Chicken Tax" which discourages importing small trucks, and EPA fuel economy standards that incentivize larger trucks, making it difficult to produce a small truck that meets emissions requirements while remaining affordable and competitive in the market.

Key points:
  • Consumer demand:
    American buyers generally prefer larger trucks with more cargo space and towing capacity, often viewing smaller trucks as less capable or "masculine."

  • "Chicken Tax":
    A tariff on imported light trucks makes it expensive to bring in small trucks from overseas, forcing manufacturers to build them domestically, which often isn't economically viable due to the market preference for larger vehicles.

  • EPA regulations:
    Fuel economy standards (CAFE) can incentivize building larger trucks, as it's easier to achieve better fuel efficiency with a larger vehicle compared to a small one
What is the Chicken Tax?

The "chicken tax" is a 25% tariff on light trucks imported to the United States. The tax was imposed in 1964 by President Lyndon B. Johnson in retaliation for European tariffs on U.S. chicken.

How did the chicken tax come about?

  • The "chicken tax" was part of a trade dispute between the U.S. and Europe in the 1960s.
  • The dispute was known as the "Chicken War".
    • The U.S. imposed the tariff in response to tariffs placed by France and West Germany on U.S. chicken.
What impact does the chicken tax have?

    • The tariff has benefited the auto industry.
    • The tariff has restricted competition in the domestic market, inflating prices.
    • The tariff has made supply chains more vulnerable to disruption.
How do foreign manufacturers avoid the chicken tax?

    • Foreign manufacturers use "knock-down" kits, which are partially assembled vehicles that are completed domestically.
    • Foreign manufacturers reclassify vehicles to avoid the light truck category.

Men buy 85% of pickups.

Mama won’t buy, such a thing, unless maybe she’s left Daddy and is looking for another Daddy.:)

What Elon needs to do is make Daddy a pick up that looks like a pick up.

Mama influences 85% of all new light vehicle purchases.

All Elon really needs do is get Mama to test drive any Tesla.

0-60 in three seconds will take care of the rest.:)

Daddy will get his truck after Mama pays for hers.


Electric cars make much better cars and SUVs than work machines.

Since a few trucks are actually used to haul loads and pull trailers, every new truck must be capable of actually doing work.
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