I missed this one. I'm not a fan of straight Virginia's because I find myself missing the "body" of perique or a bit of latakia. Do the Orientals help round this tobacco out? I've got a Virgina/Oriental blend on order but have yet to try anything just made up of the two tobaccos.
The bulldog shape was always one I wondered why people liked, until my Dad gave me one of his old ones.
Now I find myself with a "pack" of them. Heh. Glad your enjoying it! They just snug themselves nicely in your hand.
Long enough to get to Harris's house.
I can just see Harris tied up in a chair with one of his Rad Davis's in his teeth. Zombies banging on his windows and me pilfering his cellar. Don't worry Harris I'll make sure your pipe is lit before I leave the house.
Hey Winston. Yessir, I've really enjoyed this tobacco. I figure the next order I put in I'll grab a few tins. Now I'm really curious to see what their next English offering brings. Cheers.
I haven't smoked any of their briars, but I had a pear wood when I first started smoking that I got a lot of mileage out of. I Just looked your pipe up. Nice.
That Pete may also take awhile to start smoking well, especially if it's new.