Thanks for the kind words everyone.
@ pylorns
The outside edge of the rim was banged up so I gave it a slight topping, softened the edges and re-stained it. I have a few untouched original Sterncrest's and the rim edges weren't razor sharp.
^^^ What Chasing said.
You can quickly damage a pipe if the proper precautions are not followed. If these are valuable pipes I would recommend sending them out to a professional or buy a few beaters to practice on before attempting to do it yourself.
I finally found some time to fix up a couple oldies.
This old Sterncrest had seen better days but this make always cleans up nicely. Full bent/silver band/push stem with a flock of birds. The pipe was so gunked up, the stem wouldn't even sit flush in the shank. After seven decades give or take...
My friend recently cleaned up a Dunhill zulu and was wondering what year it is.
Stampings are faint but still readable. Stampings read:
Dunhill shell briar, Made in England
83 on the front edge.
3 inside the circle, followed by an S
That's how I started and I bought 2 more Sav's.
Here are some side by sides. Silver ring is a Sav. Gold ring is a Rossi. I modified the appearance of the Rossi to Burgundy and added the gold ring. It was all black when I got it.
Rossi 8320 stock photo.
That's pipe cleaner fuzz in the Sav...
As far as I know, they are Sav's with Rossi stampings. I have an 8320 and it's identical. I'll shoot some side by side pics and post them soon.
Btw, Keystone and Coors both suck equally. Drink Rolling Rock.
I have 3 and they all smoke wonderfully. I'm not sure if they are magical but pretty close. Great draw, stays cool. If I had to file a complaint I'd say they are a tad bit heavy for clinching, but being a beastly lil burner is part of the charm. They're definitely hard to beat for the price...
I found this at an estate sale months ago. I thought it was a neat little piece of history. I finally got around to making it operational. I just added a flint, wick, and fluid.