So... I don't believe I've ever EVER heard a single bad thing about a Savinelli 320. In fact, from what I gather, it seems that everything that can be smoked smokes better in a 320, and tastes better in a 320. Honestly, I've been thinking about getting one for quite some time, I have just never gotten around to pulling the trigger on one, and I'm still not sure I will anytime soon. It seems that every time I think to look for one, something else catches my attention, or I'm just not able to make a purchase at that time. But I still want to know. What is it exactly about the 320 that is so wonderful? What makes it smoke so well? Is it the draw, the shape, the width and depth of the chamber? These are things I would think would play an important roll in how well the pipe smokes and effect its flavor. But is it really these things? Or is it something else? Is there a wizard casting a spell on the pipe to make it magical? Or does it come from magical briar? Haha... maybe the 320 is a gift from the pipe fairy. I don't know, but I want to know. What say you all?