Check out Ron Powell of RdPipes ("Just Honest Handmade Smoking Pipes" - or Cramptholomew
(J Everett Pipes)...both make excellent pipes that won't break your bank.
Other than cobs and a Cramptolomew apple all my American pipes are those of Ron D Powell (RdPipes) and they are beautiful pipes.
Bottom pipe is by Cramps...a great smoker, also.
Happy here is a tip: The next 50 is a real bitch, so get ready..(ie: body falling apart, prices on everything going up, tobacco becoming non-existent and on and on it goes)
Well....sort of they don't have the extraordinary people on those forums that we have here and one of those forums is all but DOA as they rarely if ever have an interesting 6 members all talking amongst themselves...really boring, but I won't mention the name as I don't want...