Just did some reading and found out that Brown Bogie is a mixture of Burley and Kentucky while Black Irish is a straight Virginia. I guess that could explain the significant difference in flavor.
I've tried brown bogie before and while it had a nice kick to it, it also had a deep thick taste to it that I really enjoyed. Today I tried black Irish twist and was expecting something similar but couldn't find it. The black had almost a burning smell as apposed to a "roasting " smell I...
Lately it seems that I have moved my smoking exclusively to meerschaums. The collection just keeps growing. The Pete will be getting a new stem this week.
Capstan Blue flake is a huge favorite of mine. I also have a couple of jars of PS Luxury Twist and Navy flake and some MacBaron Virginia flake on hand as well. A buddy just gifted me some Rattray Wallace flake and while not a true Virginia flake it is very tasty.
I've been playing with the idea of grinding up a few flakes of Ennerdale and mixing it with either virgina or burley to lessen the full floral experience. Tame it down to a condor level. lol
I've drooled over Zack's pipes for a while and if I ever get out of this collar the white goddess has me on and back to a briar then he's the first guy I'm calling.