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  1. Flatfish

    Lewis Hamilton Moving To Ferrari In 2025! 🏎️😲

    The appeal of the red cars. Not often a good career move.
  2. Flatfish

    My Little Jaunt in Whitby

    I went to Whitby nearly 30 years ago. Nice place. Was considering a holiday in that area this year. I fancy seeing the train museum again. But its a long way for me, so I'll probably go somewhere else. (long way by UK standards)
  3. Flatfish

    Hi All

    Welcome from Wales
  4. Flatfish

    My Backyard Pipe Shed - “The Smokehouse”

    Love it. My only tweaks to it would be a writing desk, and a single bed.
  5. Flatfish

    Tea Making Method Requires a Pinch of Salt.

    While we can frown upon people using microwaves for making tea, or adding salt, or something other than the traditional way. It has to be said that I have had plenty of awful cups of tea made for me in this country. Cheap teabags, skimmed milk, and my real bugbear, too much milk. I prefer...
  6. Flatfish

    Tea Making Method Requires a Pinch of Salt.

    Am I right in thinking in the US, microwaves are used over kettles because your electricity is less powerful than ours?
  7. Flatfish

    Greetings from Greece

    Greetings from Wales.
  8. Flatfish


    I am very fortunate here in Wales. I have never felt an earthquake. It rains but not like a monsoon. It gets hot, but not for very long. It gets windy but not hurricane force. If we get snow its barely more than a few inches as a rule and much of it melts by the afternoon. It gets cold and...
  9. Flatfish

    Any Tea Drinkers?

    A little milk. I'll add my own because everybody else doesn't seem to understand what a little bit means.
  10. Flatfish

    Different Occasions - Which Pipe?

    I knew someone would disagree. And the first reply as well. :)
  11. Flatfish

    Different Occasions - Which Pipe?

    What styles tend to suit different situations? For instance I'm guessing you are not likely to take a churchwarden lunting. A churchwarden is more of a sit down and read a book sort of pipe. Mowing the lawn or fishing seems to be cob territory. What other situations are there where a bent...
  12. Flatfish

    New Smoker

    Welcome from Wales. I have been through Germany on a bus on my way to Prague. I can remember signs coming off the Autobahn saying Ausfahrt. I had never heard of the place. But after seeing Ausfahrt everywhere I came to the conclusion the place must be huge, how come I'd never heard of it...
  13. Flatfish

    Greetings from Central Indiana

    Greetings from Wales
  14. Flatfish

    Hello from Finland fellow pipers

    Welcome from Wales.
  15. Flatfish


    Funny story with this boat. I thought it was a club boat, and in the photo I am taking the old tub to third place in the regatta. Got mentioned in Yachts and Yachting Magazine. Then the following year I went to borrow it again and the club told me I couldn't use that boat. It wasn't theirs...
  16. Flatfish


    I had lessons at the local pool. Was never (and still not) a fan of being underwater. Surely the point of swimming is to keep your head up. I briefly (once) went to a canoe club. But when you capsize you are upside down. I didn't like that one bit. So I took up dinghy sailing. When you...
  17. Flatfish

    Salutations from Greece

    Greetings from Wales. Will have to visit Greece one day.
  18. Flatfish

    Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

    Skiff Mixture would be another boat one. Or Capstan
  19. Flatfish

    Smelling Pipe Tobacco

    Smelling tobacco in the tin. I tried that once.
  20. Flatfish

    Anyone Have A Virtual 'Cellar'?

    I have an imaginary one.