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  1. Dreadlock Holmes

    Mug Shots!

    Cascadia & Bones. 🤔 Hmm .. maybe I should have a Morgan Bones?
  2. Dreadlock Holmes

    What Is Your Favorite "Manly" Poem?

    When the poetic art's picturesque shroud still delightfully enveloped the truth! The fullness of life flowed through creation, and, they felt what will never be felt again. Pressed to Nature's loving bosom, they acknowledged her higher nobility. For initiated eyes everything pointed to the...
  3. Dreadlock Holmes

    Trick or Treating: How Old Is Too Old?

    👀 Who the hell got jella shots and ain't already hostin a party? Where you from? 🙆🏾‍♂️ Ain't heard gulden draak in a long time. A long time...
  4. Dreadlock Holmes

    The Most Disappointing Tobacco

    Well, I have da beetus. So I drink all my tea unsweetened hot, or cole. Mmm...maybe I'll give it a go sometime.
  5. Dreadlock Holmes

    Has Anyone Tried Japanese Pipe Tobacco?

    Isn't that illegal on eBay now? 🤫
  6. Dreadlock Holmes

    Has Anyone Tried Japanese Pipe Tobacco?

    👺Wowsers! 👹 🤔 is it heresy to try it in an English pipe? I know there's not much of it in there. What do you drink alongside it on a cool evening -sake or shochu? 🍶
  7. Dreadlock Holmes

    Do Yellow Acrylic Stems Smoke Cooler Than Black Stems? does that make radiator pipes and metal pipe stems complete 🐂💩?
  8. Dreadlock Holmes

    Smoking Cigar Butts

    What if you just sliced the cigar up precisely for piping? Is that heresy?
  9. Dreadlock Holmes

    Has Anyone Tried Japanese Pipe Tobacco?

    Title edited for caps. Pls. see rule 9 Now, they've got me interested. In short, it ALL started with me looking for info on Squadron Leader. On Tobaccoreviews there is a review by Canvas. "I wanted to do something special for my 300th review, so I decided to finally pop open the much...
  10. Dreadlock Holmes

    Chacom Christmas pipe

    Really? I always kinda liked the "half rusticated" look. There was a particular Mr. Brog I really wanted like that but could never get right. Thas what it looked like on Amazon but they kept sending me a different one😒 but correct model/color (No. 301 Cherrywood). I wanted that EXACT look, not a...
  11. Dreadlock Holmes

    Chacom Christmas pipe

    Curious. Been wanting a Chacom Reyburt #1926.
  12. Dreadlock Holmes

    My New Marxman Bench Made Pipe

    The 400 looks like dogwater for $25. 🧐👌 BUT the Jumbo for only $10. I'm feeling it. Passes the vibe check for an era in which Ketchup 🍅 was spicy and The Rubaiyat was good reading among those in the know.
  13. Dreadlock Holmes

    My New Marxman Bench Made Pipe

    What is a "real" stinger versus a fake one? Also... how do I get my photos to arrange vertically rather than horizontally?
  14. Dreadlock Holmes

    ***What Are You Smoking, October 2023?***

    💁🏾‍♂️📖 Getting back to The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, a very excellent book I recommend. 🧐👌I thought over these entries with a bowl of Cerberus in my Viking 415 Assens Evening. Have you ever felt the Heartmoor or seen others wear the Unsharp Mask? 🎭 Have you questioned whether it was upon...
  15. Dreadlock Holmes

    Pipe Smoking doesn't Interest me Anymore

    💁🏾‍♂️I never got that experience. I just sort of think, enjoy the sunrise or even the wind in a winter storm watching embers fly. That lil cherry is mine 🔥🍒🔥 and I'm gonna keep it alive. Right to the last breath. That said, have you tried related creative works? Have you ever considered...
  16. Dreadlock Holmes

    ***What Are You Smoking, October 2023?***

    That's a hyuuuuuuge bowl on that falcon. Who makes it? I've been meaning to do more work on my Cholula bowl for my falcon, but I've got all sorts of things to finish.
  17. Dreadlock Holmes

    🥚Can You Smoke An Egg?🤔

    That reminds me Talking with Joe Pera. He's got a new standup show, ya know. Nonsense. 🙄Her number is 7779311.
  18. Dreadlock Holmes

    🥚Can You Smoke An Egg?🤔

    I'll check it out. At the moment I'm to finish up a tin of Hearth and Home Cerberus.
  19. Dreadlock Holmes

    The Most Disappointing Tobacco

    I mean Pirates have problems wit scurvy. 😯🏴‍☠️ "Their gums grew swollen, the color of bone, then to rot. Tarry blood oozed, teeth droppin’ to deck with none to hold on to. Their legs withered and turned gangrenous, every shade of the peacock’s tail. The worst of us couldn’t fend ‘gainst the...