MacBaren London Blend. I generally like any MacBaren I have tried but bought this on the premise that rumors of it being cased and topped heavily were false. I could enjoy it at about halfway down the bowl after the children's cereal levels of chocolate powder topping burned off. At that point, the burleys were great, and I enjoyed the second half of the bowl in a cob greatly. The constituent tobacco was of very good quality, but the Swiss Miss chocolate powder flavor threw me off. I kept the tins in my above ground "cellar" in case I ever run across anyone who loves chocolate toppings. They are free to have it. I generally do not like heavy toppings or casings and am sort of a plain tea, plain black coffee type of person. This is probably why I do not like any sort of aromatic or heavily topped blends in general including Maltese Falcon, which is topped with ginger root. I will however, soon, give sun bear a try if I can find a tin just to confirm or dispel the hype that it is not a pure aromatic. The only aromatic that I ever tried and did not hate was Connoisseur's Choice, but I would not seek it out on purpose. Again, I am attempting to avoid any dismissal of aromatics in a snobbish fashion. These are must my own personal tastes.