Thanks for highlighting the figure Al,
it is indeed wonderful!
The typical advertising figure for an olde tobacconist in England was a snufftaking Scottish Highland soldier of the British Army.
Although the "Red Indian" was most popular over here, the Highlander was used in the USA too...
There was at one time a broad varied range of iconic figures in front of the tobacconist shop, but ultimately the "cigar store Indian" won out as the universal symbol.
These artifacts are now highly valued and command great sums of money, in most cases they're considered to be Folk Art.
...like the baseball player that brought $15,000 back in 2001,
...or this Demuth Punch figure that sold for $207,000 !!! in 2008,
A good essay on the subject here,
The Image Business: Shop and Cigar Store Figures in America
by Ralph Sessions
A great website here,