I fantasize that if I was a millionaire, and didn't have to worry about just putting food on the table and paying the mortgage, I would open a tobacco shop and model it after one of these old ones we've just had the pleasure of looking at. Price everything to just barely above cost in order to provide the pipers the best price that a B&M could offer. Shoot, if I had deep enough pockets, it would be worth it just to keep it open to provide people a place to come in and talk, and enjoy a smoke, even if it was operating at a loss each year. I know that's a pipe dream, but it's nice to think about. Mom and pop businesses just can't compete against the big boys, B&M that is. Wouldn't it be great to be able to return to a sense of community, built around one or several of these kinds of establishments?........Ok, I've woken up now.....return to reality, self.