It's more a social issue than political. We smokers are simply on the wrong side of the issue. Our ox is being gored so we pick the easy target, politicians and government which are simply the extension of ourselves, in those countries which allow elections. So, blame your neighbors for electing politicians who opt to support the voters (society). It really is that simple! Of course the politicians muck it up, entangle the issue with other issues and so forth, find and easy, well supported issue and crowd a bunch of other stuff on whatever bill is available. But, do not forget who put them in the forum with instructions to eliminate tobacco use. Smokers do not have a lobby. Tobacco companies, for the most part, have spread out into other areas for survival and no longer lobby for subsidies and support.
So, we either submit to the tide or, if someone has the resources, develop a lobbying effort. If course that effort will, be necessity, have to find someway to fight the science. And, many moneys will have to found. As far as I know there is nothing healthy about smoking bu it pipe, cigar, or, cigarette.
But, for those of you with the finances, like water in SoCal, tobacco will always be available. Again, like so many of our vices, it's pay to play.
Question: What is/are "The Borg?"