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Jun 16, 2012
"You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.”

― Abraham Lincoln
The only place I show off is the nude beach :rofl:



Mar 19, 2013
I find Ace's comments odd. When I joined, I was encouraged to add pictures, and learning to do so was a painful experience for me.
I truly enjoy seeing everyone's pipes and experiences. Do I wish I'd gotten a $20.00 Dunhill, duh? Do I envy Fisher - no. I'm happy for him, and when I find mine for $12.50 I expect everyone to be excited for me.
I've found the back and forth banter fun and amusing, not exclusive. And to show you how much fun I'm having, I'm now going to download a picture of Gracie with a carrot stogie.
Nothing is as bad as a dog fart . . .



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
There IS a small group of people who's opinions are held in higher regard than others, but to me that level of respect comes from a fierce dedication to this sport. Roth, Harris, Kashmir, the Old Cajun, and a few others, post rather frequently. It's actually pretty tough to find a thread in which Roth wasn't the first to reply, but I respect that. You guys have years of experience behind you and have chosen to share the information you've gleaned over the years to help the less experienced here, like me. So, thank you.



Jul 27, 2012
This has been one of the liveliest threads we've had in a while.
I've got to hand it to Ace. Every so often someone dumps a bunch of drama on the forum and it makes for some great comments - some of which I've laughed out loud at.
We need people like Ace and Storient just to keep things interesting.



Aug 30, 2011
I get the very basics of Ace's thread - it's like Cliff Claven comes into Cheers after a couple of years and not only is someone sitting on his stool, but there is a new bartender as well.
There is a bit of monotony to the "I just picked up my 100th pound of Silver Flake, and so should you" threads, and please, if I never hear again how screwed up Germain's business plan is, it'll be too soon.
But, Ace has always had a bit of a theatrical bent - I don't think it's the first time he's gone away.



Jul 27, 2012
It's actually pretty tough to find a thread in which Roth wasn't but I respect that.
I think if I had the experience Roth has and I was retired like roth is, I'd probably give him a run for his money in number of posts. I am really grateful for people like roth and others like him - they are tops in my book.



May 11, 2013
Guys, I have to tell you. In a few weeks here, I've had some great conversations, met some new friends, and received tons of encouragement as I spend my kids inheritance trying to be the world's next great pipemaker...:)Don't know Ace, but the post kind of reminds me of someone who walks into a party that everyone's enjoying, screams "This party sucks!" ...and stomps out the door throwing a full Budweiser against the wall as he leaves...(proper technique is to chug the Bud and throw the empty against the wall...)
I'm blown away by the generosity of members here who do everything from sharing some of their pipes and tobacco with new guys getting started and provide a very supportive forum to everyone who chooses to participate.

Dec 24, 2012
In all seriousness, we joke about Ace's rant, but I have worried for some time that some folks may view the various "Hey, Here's My New Pipe" threads as gloating. It is, for me at least, instructive to know that some forum members do in fact feel this way. Personally, from now on I do plan to keep any new pipes I buy to myself and not display them on here. Some people clearly don't mind, but others clearly are bothered by it. My 5 cents.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
peck, don't you dare keep your new pipes from us. I for one love looking at them and appreciate the fact you take the time to post them. I like asking questions about them, finding out how the stems are and whether they are great smokers. If anyone is that petty they cannot be happy for you, that is on them. That is their insecurity or self esteem issues, do not let them take away our enjoyment of looking at your pipes. I know there are a ton of guys who feel the exact same way that I do.

Dec 24, 2012
I don't think it is fair to say it is just their insecurity issues. We wouldn't think about driving in to a parking lot and then saying "Hey, look at my new car" but we (myself included) seem to do that an awful lot here. Now, if there is a point to showing the pipe - like, look at this draft hole, is this properly drilled? . . .or something along those lines - then that is one thing, but if there is no purpose in showing it other then telling folks what you bought, then one can understand why that my rub some people the wrong way. At the end of the day, I think it is a very personal decision you have to make. Truth be told, I am not the most sensitive guy in the world, and I rely on the wife's views a lot since her "emotional intelligence" is far greater than my own. I ran it by her and she thought it was in bad form to post pictures of stuff without any reason for posting it other than to announce a purchase. However, I have no issue with anyone posting those sorts of threads and I certainly will comment on them just as I always have.



Jun 13, 2012
Well Peck I for one loved your pics. Now I am mad all over again. Did you explain to the Mrs that 99.9% of us love looking at pipe pics? Urrgh. Now I have to go kick something. :cry:



Jun 13, 2012
Oh, we'll she obviously isn't a pipe smoker then. Ask her to reconsider so you come out an play again.



Nov 12, 2012
Well Peck, that is your decision. However, I have derived some very insights on some the pipes I would like to buy directly from some of the pipes you posted. Tell yourself your posting them for educational purposes!

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