The white dot is the established logo of the Dunhill/White Spot pipes, which are high-end, high priced factory pipes made in London. Actually, I've seen other brands with a white spot, but they are clearly labeled as a different unrelated brand, so it is not a deception.
Dunhill trademarked identification for their pipes.
Sasieni followed suit but had to change to a blue dot after Dunhill took them to court.
Correct. Evidently Dunhill considered their customers so addlepated that they needed to be shown how to orientate a stem.
BTW, Dunhill was not the first maker to use a single dot. Vauen was there before them.
As usual on this forum, you can get the right information. However, this is only part of the story. When you have a white dot on your pipe, it means you purchased something very special. As near perfect a pipe as you can purchase. It means you've purchased the Rolls Royce or smoking instruments. Properly dried, drilled, engineered and finished to be the most perfect smoking instrument you can buy. Something that shows off your good taste and status that has been the bench mark of quality for over 100 years. That is if you like them. For many it's just an overpriced pipe. A good pipe is a good pipe at any price and you can find them for $30 or $30,000.