Now Still Smoking: Blended up the next sized Micro-Batch -
1.5 grams advances to 3.0 grams - of
M.B. White's JAN1946 award-winning blend which appeared in the January 1946 issue of
Pipe Lover's Magazine. I split this 'Round 2' tasting sample between the little clay
Cutty pipe -
as shown back in post #967 - and the other 2/3rd of the Micro-Batch in one of my regular Smokers; being: an Italian made 5.25"
Molina Barasso-series, Volcano, unfinished and sandblasted -
which The Amazing Wifey applied her art talents to with 2 different colors of her alcohol-based dyes, to create the colors you see here, of this once blonde pipe - Aluminum ring, bent Acrylic Stem and Fishtail bit.
I'd love to know what
M.B. White, of Des Moines, Iowa, would think about someone making up a sample of his award-winning JAN1946 Burley blend, and was smoking AND writing about it 77 years after the fact....
Anyone seen my Ouija Board? -
Sherm Natman