Now Smoking: Checking out a taster sample of
Sutliff TS-12 Dark Fired Kentucky Burley Ribbons in a little 4"
Old German Clay
'Cutty', and absolutely swimming in the joys of Nicotine Heaven while Sipping/Tasting very slowly.
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Thinking a pinch of this one in a bowl would be a wonderful alternative to the spicier/faster/hotter burn-rate of
5 Bros - being as
5Bs is a Shag cut - as my usual GoTo Vitamin-N booster fuel to
Kick-up an otherwise beloved lower/mid-nic blend.
I am feeling
'feeling nicotine dreamy' with
TS-12 in the best of ways. Definitely let's leaves you feeling that you smoked something.
Oh, and just finished watching
Land of the Giants on MeTV's
Super Sci-Fi Saturday Night; and, it turns out some of the Giants like smoking pipes too!
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Next Up: Irwin Allen's
The Time Tunnel, on MeTV! -
Sherm Natman