GH Cherry Vanilla in a Pollock clay. Finished the packet now. I think this baccy smells nice but it burns a bit hot especially in a clay pipe. One of the Sealed Knot re-enactors I met says you don't want a baccy that burns like gunpowder

Met another pipe smoker in Chesterfield today; he said he was smoking Gold Block.
Bought my body wash refill this morning; reducing my plastic waste already!
Decided to cut out 'unhealthy' items like chocolate, crisps, sweets, tobacco etc sold in plastic packaging; I'd have given up the pipe altogether if it wasn't for the loose / tinned baccy a local tobacconist in Chesterfield (and one in Buxton) sells

My list of zero waste retailers:
Chesterfields first zero waste shop based on our historic outdoor market. Meeting all your low and... Chesterfield Market, S40 1 Chesterfield, UK
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Come and visit our shop for an outstanding collection of zero waste foods, cleaning & bathroom products. If you are looking to reduce your landfill waste and save money too, pay us a visit and begin your zero waste journey today.
The following sell loose pipe baccy:
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
The loose Gawith Hoggarth is a BIG HIT with the Clay King!
Started stitching one of my reusable plastic shopping bags last night & need to stitch a button back on my Redcoat (AKA smoking jacket)

As the shopping bags are made from non recyclable plastic it's prolonging its life before it eventually gets thrown out!