First bowl of a freshly cracked tin of Mac Baren Original Choice. This was the first pipe tobacco I ever smoked, and this is the first time having it since that first tin back in early 2019. This is also the first time I've used the word first so many times in the first place.

And on that note, I'll shut up now...pipe was the Savinelli Mattone 614 faux-Hungarian. Brought back some nice memories for me. 9/10
Bird report: California towhee, White-crowned sparrow, Dark-eyed junco, Chipping sparrow, Sage sparrow (first sighting!), California scrub-jay, Northern flicker, American crow, Hairy woodpecker, White-breasted nuthatch, Mountain chickadee, House finch, and Oak titmouse.
In other news, my
IPSD forum zoom chat is two weeks from tomorrow, feel free to pop by and say hi, or at least anything that wouldn't get censored on mainstream television...