A balmy 53F outside, so it's Stanwell Kir & Apple in my Savinelli Tortuga 614 faux Hungarian. Tin note is very berry, but both room note and taste are all apple. Looking forward to cracking one of my two tins of Drew Estate Harvest On Hudson when my last ounce or so of K&A is done, and comparing the two. Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, Dark-eyed junco, House finch, California towhee, Spotted towhee, White-crowned sparrow, Common raven, and Oat titmouse. Lots of avian activity today, which makes sense...BIG storm rolling through mid-week. Already seeing green grass in the hills between LA and the San Joaquin Valley. It's only a question of how long it will take before people start seeing through this asinine drought propaganda en masse.
Going to try to get another in tomorrow for IPSD, and retrieve my SP.com order after the holiday. Hope everyone has a good week!