Congratulations to you and your daughter! I wish her success in her future career.Only managed a bowl of Eight State Burley today. Middle daughter graduated from Texas Tech and we've been running all over Texas in celebration. Another hectic day looming.
I do too. I will smoke more of them as the weather cools. LJ Peretti has some wonderful English blends. I like a lat bomb every once in a while but my tastes would rather have latakia in a supporting role.I have a ton of latakia, bro...............???
@lukasstrifeson I like the tin art on this one!Staying with a Doctor's a day, hopefully that'll keep any virus away!
Enjoying a bowl of this extremely flavorful but mild King Charles mix in my trusty Doctor's Bamboozled Brandy:
@Tar Wheel I enjoyed the Luxury Navy Flake in my clay pipes!View attachment 91703
Morning all. I’m having Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake in a MM Legend with a hot cup of coffee.
Moving a little slow this morning. As we continued to celebrate my daughter’s birthday, we wound up at the local bar. There was a Grateful Dead cover band playing and we stayed till 2:00am. Great night!