It's nigh enough to prepare for it now, if having tobacco is important to you.
The selection will decrease more and more, and the quality of what's left will be less and less. That's due to less demand.
The price is going to shoot through the roof at some point... Further decreasing demand.
There's an issue with the whole RYO/pipe tobacco situation. The governments, and many people on this forum, use emotion to try and separate the two... But truly they are the same animal.
This realization will cause a huge increase in the way pipe tobacco is taxed. There is practically nobody working for pipe smokers in D.C., there are people protecting cigars... For now. Pipe Tobacco has been catching that drift for a long time... That will end over this RYO problem, and the taxes will increase.
I saw Carlito Fuente, the guy from Arturo Fuente cigars, in an interview running down cigarettes with everything he had. They know the key to survival is to be separated from "those nasty cigarettes" as far as possible.
Pipe tobacco in Santa Claus' pipe causes warm and happy emotions in people. Pipe tobacco in an ex concvict's home-made cigarette is highly offensive and makes people upset.
The GH lady said that they want repeat customers and don't benefit as much from people building a cellar... She says they need people who buy regularly. She says a lot, I know. But most of the real... Sorry to possibly offend some people, but the real pipe smokers will soon all be dead from old age. This stuff here, of people buying 20 pounds of tobacco and posting pictures of it, while they smoke 3 bowls a month, and then moving on to collect fancy fountain pens, ain't going to keep the pipe tobacco demand alive. IMHO
What happens after all this plays out...
Check out Austraila, thousand dollar pounds of tobacco. Look at Canada, fifty dollar pouches of chewing tobacco. They only have the variety they have because of the rest of the world's demand.
My guess is that in 20 years there will be pipe tobacco still in production... But it will be very expensive, low quality, and there will be little variety.
Pipe tobacco will never be cheaper, and more available than it is now. It has been cheaper and more available than it is now... But those days ain't coming back.
I'm not claiming to be an expert, I'm far from it. I am a lover of all things tobacco, probably a little obsessed with it, and I've been reading threads like this for years. I see the writing on the wall. Don't you?