The Neck Ties that Bind Us

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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 12, 2020
Chicago IL
Yep. Gen x has no clue. They go to funerals in jeans. I recently had to tie a tie for a co-worker. Kids now have information at their fingertips, still unable to use it unless it pertains to a video game. I have many dress shirts and outfits for events when they come up. I understand showing up right after work for a funeral, totally acceptable, if short on time, but if you have time, show some respect. Do the right thing.


Feb 21, 2013
I wouldn't push jackets or suits and ties on anyone, but I do think, after ten years of retirement, retirees have to watch out for a precipitous decline in their wardrobe. If you don't watch out, you will find yourself living in sweat pants and a scrub top. A bit of esprit is good for anyone. If you have to go extreme-informal, pay enough attention so you look like you're having fun with it, not just in a depression or despair. You may not be looking for a job, but you are probably still looking for opportunities of some kind. No cowboy hats with sports jerseys, etc. And probably athletic clothes may not flatter most people over about age 40.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Are you Don? 'Mad Men' and its challenge to the audience | MinnPost'Mad Men' and its challenge to the audience | MinnPost

The Don Draper days... back when men knew how to have pride in the way they looked... and you could get drunk at work, smoke anywhere, and sleep with all of the secretaries. puffy The Good Ol Days, ha ha.
Not sure why you added two that are still current. Can't smoke everywhere and guys looking like they give a rats ass about how they look.
Why not add a few more in there that still apply. When water helped you be less thirsty. When food was often cooked.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I am glad suits are not a requirement these days. Suits look great if you're standing or sitting. But they're amazingly restrictive and it's just so much more fly when you wear them since they're not a day to day thing. I miss my suit :(


Feb 27, 2019
I haven't worn a tie since I interviewed for my current job 16 years ago. When I showed up for work sans tie, the other dudes in the department were giving me the stink eye, but within a couple years, they weren't wearing them either, and it's now been years since I've seen one on a colleague. I don't even own one anymore, why the hell would I?
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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 14, 2018
Edmonton, AB
I'm a longhair. I always felt like an imposter in dress clothes, but one day I went to a tweed shop.

It was like magic.

I can now dress up and look mighty fine, and feel good about it. And it gives me a reason to wear my tartan tie which I won't post because then you might know my last name, you f*#ing weapon.


May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I'm a longhair. I always felt like an imposter in dress clothes, but one day I went to a tweed shop.

A virtual longhair, or is your hair also long?
It was like magic.

I can now dress up and look mighty fine, and feel good about it. And it gives me a reason to wear my tartan tie which I won't post because then you might know my last name, you f*#ing weapon.

Hunting Stewart? And many ties are really arcane. Like the Gunn "Fourth Friday dress" plaid.

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Sep 4, 2019
East TN
I have a modest collection, nothing quite so boisterous as cosmics, I gravitate to the classics, reps, reg stripes, small dots, things like that. No shiny, hot colors. I work from home in tech so no need to dress up during the week, but always for church, nights out, wedding and funerals. And also for the record, GenX. I don’t wear jeans in inappropriate settings. ?
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Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
As a restaurant operator for 40 years, I started out wearing Western wear, then business dress (Roy Rogers Restaurants), now business casual about 8-9 years ago. I still wore a tie/jacket for business meetings, but in the last two years, I found that I actually looked out of place. I still bring a sports coat to those meetings (few far between these days!).
As you might imagine, the restaurant management is hard on neck ties. I maintained about 30 and they were ever-evolving due to getting ruined by food, etc. I finally purged most last year, saving good ties for funerals/weddings or other special events.
My office used to have "casual Friday", where jeans were allowed. I couldn't do it and still wear dress slacks (the only guy in a 30 member office). We then went to all casual this year, I still can't do it. I'm famous for my "black slacks" and hope it stays that way.

Related, a few weeks ago, I intended to drop off a suit to my local dry cleaner, which I've used for 40 years. A sign was on the door, closed after 62 years. I guess there's no need for dry cleaning if you don't wear dress clothes. Sad.



Jul 25, 2020
I'm a lawyer. When I was young, we had to wear a suit and tie to work everyday. We could remove the coat in the office, but the tie stayed on though you could unbutton the collar. Then came casual Fridays. People argued over what was "business casual" and too casual, but bottom line was you didn't have to wear a suit and tie one day a week and that was great. Then it became casual everyday. And more recently, "business casual" went by the wayside; nobody bats an eye if you wear sweats at work. Unless you have to go talk to a judge at the courthouse.

These C19 days, working from home, you don't even have to wear pants. I still put on a button shirt, tie and coat when I talk to a judge. Even if it's a video call, though I keep my shorts or sweats on.

But ties, I hate them. I curse the man who invented them. Abominations!

Ha! I do this for video calls at home. I call it business on top and party down below ?
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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Wore this tie on Thanksgiving. It’s a new old stock Big Ben from the 80’s and I love it.

View attachment 54459
Nice, a pipe tie!

Today I am sporting my ugly Christmas sweater. I know, I know, it's a thread about ties. But, one of the stores I have to pick up repairs is having an ugly sweater day. I hope this one wins. Ha ha!
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