The First Pax Virtual Tobacco Crawl - Virginia Burleys

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Jun 19, 2013
I was finally able to smoke a bowl of Three Nuns this evening. It was my first smoke with it, though the tin was in my cellar from last year. I found it to be very smooth and agree with Pruss that it markedly improved around mid-bowl. It was not particularly flavorful to me, though not bad. This does seem like a blend that I would enjoy the more I smoked it. I'll likely have a few more bowls and then jar it up. I wouldn't be averse to getting a tin to cellar long term, but I doubt that at its price I'd stock up on it. Many other VaBur blends that I like right off the bat are out there and much cheaper.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 4, 2014
Sorry I haven't been very active on this thread. If my nomination still counts, and we are in fact doing Va/Pers in October, I'd love to hear what y'all have to say about McClellands Bulk No. 2015. I noticed rsuninv suggested that as a Va/Per earlier. Did he change his mind to Escudo? I'd pick whichever of the 2 he didn't.



Mar 20, 2014
Seeing that we have two solid front runners for the October Crawl I suppose it's safe to assume that VaPer's are the months theme. I'm looking forward to this one as well!
Three Nuns; I've honestly been left somewhat underwhelmed with this loose spun blend but I may be guilty of bias since I've been smoking a ton of PS LBF and it's got so much more going on than 3N. Another hinderence for me over the last week or so is a cut on the inside of my lip that just burns like hell when I smoke anything so obviously, I've not smoked much. It's healing up good and I'm trying a bowl later today.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
OK, lets make it official that we're exploring VaPers in October. For me personally, I didn't commit fully to pipe smoking until I tried some good VaPers and flakes. Escudo, SGNavy flake, Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy flake, Orlik Golden Slice.
eightywon, you can pick any VaPer but ask that you provide at least one verifed source with stock. We were going to do Marlin flake but found that we could only buy 17.5 oz bags. I'd like to do McClellands 2015 if you're picking it and have a vendor.
Glad to have you back and just let us know what you want us to try. It would be cool if pickers could tell us why they're choosing the blends they do.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
OK, lets make it official that we're exploring VaPers in October. For me personally, I didn't commit fully to pipe smoking until I tried some good VaPers and flakes. Escudo, SGNavy flake, Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy flake, Orlik Golden Slice.
eightywon, you can pick any VaPer but ask that you provide at least one verifed source with stock. We were going to do Marlin flake but found that we could only buy 17.5 oz bags. I'd like to do McClellands 2015 if you're picking it and have a vendor.
Glad to have you back and just let us know what you want us to try. It would be cool if pickers could tell us why they're choosing the blends they do.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Friday, August 15 we start smoking G.L. Pease Jacknife Plug

Selected by LincolnsBark
Hopefully, Lincolnsbark will drop in and tell why he chose this blend and make introductory remarks.
Meantime, here is what has on it:
JackKnife Plug - dark-fired Kentucky leaf and ripe red Virginia tobaccos, with their deep, earthy flavors, are layered on a central core of golden flue-cured for a hint of bright sweetness, then pressed and matured in cakes, and finally cut into 2oz blocks. Slice it thick and rub it out for a ribbon cut, thin for a shag, or chop it into cubes. The choice is yours.
Notes: The first blend in the New World Series - JackKnife Plug was introduced in January, 2011.
From GL Pease: This one has been a long time coming. I’ve had more requests than I can count to make a plug, and to make some stronger blends. There’s something about playing with the tobacco, cutting it, rubbing it out, preparing it for smoking, that connects us more closely with the whole process. A plug like this can be sliced thick or thin, so the smoker gains complete control over the way it will pack and burn. It’s quite rewarding.
My favorite approach with JackKnife has been to slice it very thin, about 1/32″, and rub it completely into a fine shag. Filling the pipe carefully, not packing too tightly, results in a wonderful, cool, effortless smoke, and the fine cut seems to enhance the sweetness of the virginias and bring out the subtle, natural perfume of the dark-fired Kentucky leaf.
Brand G. L. Pease

Blended By Gregory Pease

Manufactured By Cornell & Diehl

Blend Type Virginia/Burley

Contents Kentucky, Virginia

Flavoring None

Cut Plug

Packaging 2oz Tin

Country US

Production Currently available

Where to Buy (also 4noggins, easily available)

BnB Tobacco

Product Image


Medium to Strong


None Detected


Medium to Full

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I have a bowl of aged 3Nuns that I'm going to try tonight and will make some notes on it versus the new release.



Apr 5, 2014
Had a few bowls of Old Dark Fired yesterday and will just give it a 7.5 out of 10.

Did the same with Three Nuns today and I give it an 8 out of 10.

I won't try to explain; that's my feeling on it and I'm

playing catch up anyway.
tinner :D



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 9, 2014
New Jersey
So I popped the seal on my tin of Jack Knife Plug and I noticed that there were what looked like white streaks running across some of the edges of the tobacco. I'm not sure if this is something normal or if my tin has gone moldy.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
G.L. Pease JackKnife Plug Review:

When I first opened the container I have to admit it was a little anticlimactic. The ODF was packed full of those neat little cut slices and other cans I have opened I see moist good beautiful tobacco. I opened this one and there was this dark unattractive block that looked like an over cooked brownie. In fact I took the block sat it on a plate and took it into the living room and told my wife I picked up a brownie at the store and gave her a fork and offered her some. She got a big smile and said why thank you and then was pissed when I started laughing and she realized it was a joke. Anyways I am sure all plugs look like this I have just never seen one.

Well when I first broke into it a piece broke of the top and I just broke that up to smoke. When I was done it looked like crumpled up dried leafs. It was not rubbed out it was just in little pieces. I stuffed this in the pipe and light up. My first though was that it was extremely strong. It tasted like I broke up a maduro cigar and stuffed it in the pipe and despite the fact that I like cigars I did not like this flavour. It was not bitter and did not have a bite it was just strong, bold and rough.

For some reason when I look at the block of tobacco and smoke it I keep thinking old John Wayne or Clint Eastwood westerns. It gave me the image of a rough and tough dusty cowboy saying something like “Buck up and just smoke it. It’ll put hair on chest”.

I had a lot of trouble keeping it from going out. So I was not really impressed, however I smoked it a few times after that and (per brass’s comment) I started liking it more and more but I was still having trouble keeping it light.

Well I tried slicing the block into slivers and then rubbing those slivers out into smaller pieces similar to how I did the ODF. When I smoked it this time the flavour was even stronger and bolder and the pipe stayed light the whole time. It really smoked well. I think that before the pieces of leaves were to big and if one happened to be lying flat in the pipe it was restricting air flow cause. Now that I have figured out how to prepare it so that it smokes well I have been enjoying it. The flavour is still very strong and bold and I do not think that this would be a daily smoker for me however I would have this sitting on the shelf for just the right time. It would be good in the early morning when I am having a really strong glass of coffee to help wake me up, or out camping while sitting by a fire or BBQing when I have already inhaled so much other smoke that I need a strong tobacco just to taste it. It would be ideal when I am out on the range herding cattle to market and saving the town from bandito’s . This blend defiantly has its place on my shelf but I do not think that I am going to go out and buy a pound like I would the ODF. I give this one a 7 for now because I will defiantly keep it for certain occasions however this rating might keep going up the more I smoke it and get use to the strength level.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Catyrpelius, I regret to say that I didn't notice anything like you're describing. And I wouldn't inhale mold - burned or not. Please check with your vendor for further information.
Aged 3 Nuns My pal, rsuninv, send me a couple of bowls of aged 3 Nun. It is like smoking a different tobacco. It comes from the square tin, is a VaBur, and research shows curly cut. The coins were mostly very loose in my sample, almost unidentifiable if you weren't looking for them.
Like the current version, it packed easily, lit without effort, and required few relights. I smoked the first in a small Rhodesian bowl and the mature tobacco was superbly blended. The flavors were melded. I sometimes taste visually. The current version has sparks and specs of different flavors that pop in and out continuously, like particles in quantum mechanics. The aged version, was one, long, continuous flow of golden, molten flavors, akin to a warm, thin, slightly sweet, spiced, very light syrup, so well blended, that identifying the particular spices is almost impossible for my impoverished palate.
Smoking it this morning, in a larger bowl,opened the flavors and there was a much more noticeable peppery tickle to the nostrils, so much so, that I wrote back to rsuniv, and asked to confirm that there was no perique. I think I like it better in the smaller bowl but either is a letter grade better than the current blend. I can see buying a couple of tins of 3Nuns and cellaring them, with the hope that they will mature as well as this sample.
JackNife Plug I rarely smoke two bowls in the morning but I used KickOff Friday for the crawl as an excuse. First thing, this is a real plug. The leathery bricks had a wonderful tin aroma, maybe the best I've noticed in pipe tobaccos. The aroma redolent of sweet, salty, leather, molasses, hay. Moving the tin under my nose, the bouquet changing like a kaleidoscope, bought to mind how dogs like to stick their head out of a vehicle window, catching all the scents rushing by.
Speaking of vehicles, the plugs don't rub out easily. If you plan to smoke any JackKnife while driving, then prepare your tobacco in advance. I haven't had the time yet to prepare the plug properly. I just pulled them apart with some effort, and then rubbed out the remains. It is easy to see why Greg named this blend JackNife. You really do need a knife to prepare the plugs.
But I do have a tip. I purchased a set of bamboo cutting boards for the kitchen. One of the boards was only four or five inches square and I at first thought it would be useless. Now, it will find a place on my tobacco and pipe stand. Perfect.
Back to the smoke. Once I stuffed the pipe, it lit ok, requiring a little longer char light than usual. The first puffs were mostly pepper with a slight sweet base. It quickly blossomed into a very robust, complex smoke. Sweet, sour, peppery, country woods smells, that billowed magnificently.
It burned quicker than I imagined it would and required a couple of more relights than did 3Nuns. I don't think the bowl is finished. I put it down in the car after I arrived at the office. Later this morning, I'm sneaking back to check out the DGT.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
Brass- Funny I did not anything sweet from it. I could see how you said peppery. On the way home I'll have to pay attention to that and see if I pick up the peppery flavor. Agreed on the country woods comment. It definitely had earthy woods sense to it.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
I went to try the DLT from the pipe left in the car but there was nothing left. The JK burned down to the ash without even a small clump of dottle.
So, diced some GLP KN into cubes and loaded the pipe and set it afire. Cubing rounds out the smoke considerably but leaves a very heavy upper layer of pepper, with just a thin sweetness on the bottom, at least in my deep bowled, curved billard.
Went our after 15 minutes, sol I left put it back in the car and will DG and go give it the DGT check later today.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
I smoked a bowl on the way home and I do see what brass means about the pepper flavor. As I was focusing on that I realized that I really do like the way this tobacco smokes and the noting the pepper flavor I have really come to lik......... I also realized that I need to focus more on the road.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
Wow I am now a member! Y'all have accepted me as me as a member. I have some how passed as sane and worthy of membership. :)



Jun 4, 2014
United States
You know, this morning, when I walked in the office, I felt really wired, like to much caffeine. Now that ya mention it rsuninv, it was probably the nicotine. I'm not sure it was JNP, or smoking it back to back with 3 Nuns.
Now that Tex is a full fledged member, it is his turn to manup and buy a case. PM me Tex and I'll give you the addies. Or just post your cc number, and we'll all just buy our favorites and charge to your card. :worship:
In my earlier post, I referred to GLP KN, meant JNP. I'm going to DLT that lunch bowl in just a bit.



Apr 5, 2014
Today I tried a sample bowl of some straight white burley from a 1 lb bag of tobacco for blending. The stuff is very dry and brittle and I was careful not to draw very hard, but the smoke was so harsh I still hurt my throat. To the point that hours later, it was hard to try my first bowl of Jack Knife Plug. So any way I need to rest my throat for awhile.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
I smoked the remainder of the bowl of JNP on the way home, and DLT rounded the blend off considerably. The pepper layer was noticeably subdued. I'm thinking that letting it try for 15 minutes or so might aid the burn and round the smoke, without using the Delayed Gratification Technique.
This is so different from 3Nuns that I can't say I like one better than the other just yet. ODF is still the leader for me, thus far, out of the VaBurs tried so far.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Smoking JNP in my new Stanwell, Danish Sovereign (364) Straight Grain Freehand, just arrived today from Durham 270. Pictured is the bamboo cutting board I commandeered from the kitchen to devote to plus, with a glass Laphroaig Quarter Cask Islay single malt, chips and tools. I'll check into tomorrow. I'm going to kick back for the evening.

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