Well, I'm late to the party here, so I'm just going to jump right in. First off, thanks to cmdrmcbragg for accepting my last minute request to get in on the tin share and shipping this month's tobaccos down to Peru! He got the package out fast, it made it from the U.S. to Lima in three days, then the Peruvian postal service took two weeks to get it across town. :roll: Better late than never, though.
I just finished my first bowl of JackKnife Plug and for me, it's another winner from G.L. Pease! I'm still pretty new to pipe smoking, so this was my first plug. I made a mess of things trying to cut it into thin strips with my Swiss army knife so I could rub it out into a shag, as suggested by Greg Pease himself. It came out more like hunks and chunks, loaded a little messy, and I thought it was unlikely I'd be getting a good smoke out of it this time around. But I was wrong. I did a couple charring lights, smoked a bit and left it to DGT for a few hours while I finished up some work. Came back and it lit right up. And bam! There was the dark-fired kentucky, right in my face. I took it slow and this stuff still hit hard in the nicotine department. I'm just finishing up a tin of Irish Flake, which I loved at first but got tired of as I went through the tin. I'll have to see how the JKP does as I smoke more of it, but my first impression is that it takes everything I liked about Irish Flake (the dark-fired taste and the nicotine), turns it up a notch, and fixes the problems I had, namely that the IF was a bit boring, lacking variety in the taste department. The red virginias in the JKP seem to linger in the background and round out the taste of the Kentucky, but the brights really gave this smoke something interesting to latch on to. Union Square has been one of my favorites in my short smoking "career," and the G.L. Pease(/C&D) virginias are fantastic here, too. Creamy and smooth, I really can't get enough. This is what makes me think I could keep coming back to the JKP, although, as others have said, I don't see me smoking it every single day, haha.
I may go out for a bowl of Old Dark Fired in a bit, once this nic buzz wears off. I've got some catching up to do here!