TAD Acquisitions 2024

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Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Been a good minute since I last posted here. I'd hate to think I'm conquering my TAD...perish the thought! :eek:

In snagging an estate Savinelli from SP, I threw in a 3.5 oz tin of Mac Baren Dark Twist, just to see what all the fuss is about. I'm avoiding the impulse to crack more tins at this time, so until I break down, it will keep my cellared tin of Club Blend company. Along with the Virginia #1 tin. And the Burley London Blend tins. And the adjacent Stokkebye flake bags.

Yep, no TAD conquering here! All is normal. 😁


Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
When Cobblestone went on sale, I thought "well, I guess I'll pick some of these up finally". Looked and I really couldn't afford to spend enough to get to free shipping, so I was going to pass, then got an e-mail that Reserve du Patron was back in stock, so I decided to just grab one of the Cobblestone. Part of it too, I am finding that while I don't hate them, I don't necessarily care for most K&K/Kopp stuff, and I didn't feel like figuring out which Cobblestone were blended by them and which were blended by Sutliff.

So, just this small order, even though it's still half-way to free shipping (after including added shipping cost). Oh well.



Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
I’ve actually spent WAY less on tobacco this year by not obsessing over getting free shipping. Probably not the most popular idea in this group! lol.
Well, it's not like I don't want to try everything that I've got in my wishlist, it will get bought eventually, so long term it makes sense to get the things on-sale and free shipping to maximize long-term savings, especially if I end up not liking something, the sting is less knowing I got a discount on it when I got it.

The problem now is, while I do want to try all that's on my wishlist, I already got all the stuff before at other times that I most wanted, what's left is the stuff that's just "eventually". So the plan was, when there's something I need to restock, throw from the list whatever is on sale. But it's not like I need every order to be free shipping always, it's less about trying to get to free shipping just because I want one thing and more about, spending the least for what I know I will eventually purchase.


Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
I havent smoked that since it came in those old paper packages.
The pouches they come in now are plastic encased paper, and are pretty tough. I’ve been using this one for a couple weeks to carry a pocketful of Ryback with me while working at work and home for an easy “codger scoop”.
I thought I'd compare it to G&H Dark birds eye.
Dark BirdsEye is well, darker😆
Funny thing is that DBE has almost no birds eyes and 5Bros has a bunch.
Both comprise my two favorite burleys.
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Oct 13, 2021
I havent smoked that since it came in those old paper packages. It's not that cheep @ $62/lb. I thought I'd compare it to G&H Dark birds eye.
I like the Dark Birdseye / Kendall Dark and whatever the third name for it is now... over the 5 brothers. But it's all just palate preference.
(They've all become one and the same, barring any that we get from vendors here in the US that had them from "before" the amalgamation. One of the reasons there's no birds eyes in the DBE anymore.)