I have a shipment coming from cigarbid.com, where I went a bit overboard this past week. Balkan Sasieni, MyMixture 965, Irish Cask, Irish Flake, Irish Whiskey, Nightcap, Royal Yacht, Standard Mixture, University Flake, John Cotton Double Pressed Latakia, Orlik Golden Sliced, Viprati, and some Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic.
Many of these are new to me: Sasieni, Irish Cask, Irish Whiskey, Standard Mixture, Double Pressed Latakia, Orlik GS, Viprati, and SWR Aro. At the prices I snagged them, if they're not to my liking, I'm not out a bunch of money, and I can always share with friends (which I'll do anyway, but I can be even more generous).