@bluegrassbrian show us your kitchen knives, my back of house brother.
Those will have to wait til Monday- I got lazy and left them at work.@bluegrassbrian show us your kitchen knives, my back of house brother.
Well, one is a constitutionally guaranteed right….In Texas, one can legally walk around with a sword and an AR15 semi-automatic rifle, without a license.
Smoking has more restrictions
yes, but what happened to "pursuit of happiness"Well, one is a constitutionally guaranteed right….
what is that beautiful flame grain pipe?Lovely Sunday morn- in the mood to cut something..
ProTech Rockeye (Les George design) in 3V.
View attachment 316085
Kai Nielsen (Jewel of Denmark C) dublin..what is that beautiful flame grain pipe?
Ok- regrettably it's Monday, so here's my work blades. I've found a simple setup of a chefs knife (gyuto in this case), a paring knife, and shears will easily take care of 95% of kitchen work.@bluegrassbrian show us your kitchen knives, my back of house brother.
are we now doing firearms also? I'll wait until long gun FridayZero Tolerance Tiger Stripe and a Beretta Tomcat with a Castello 31View attachment 316311View attachment 316312
Na. I just don't leave home without one or twoare we now doing firearms also? I'll wait until long gun Friday