This cleaned up so nicely! Well done per usual. Also, you are so right about the low slung flare on its stem. It really accentuates the chubbiness of the 9 shape even with the longer stem.Got my XL307 cleaned up today. It was in nearly flawless shape but it was absolutely filthy. The previous owner had kept the cake very nearly trimmed and very even but the well was nearly full of gunk. This leads me to believe it was a great smoker and will continue to be so. I did a salt treatment on it to get the ghost out of the cake but only trimmed the cake up. It was to beautifully caked to ream back to bare wood. I used a little carbon off on the rim to get rid of the lava. This was otherwise a standard clean up.
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We really need to see more 9 shapes with short stems, though. A BC deluxe and Standard System would be