A couple of pet peeves...
As said earlier in this thread, wind. Wind has a huge impact on whether I can smoke or not and lately we have had a lot of it! Nothing I can do about it other than develop more places to smoke out of the wind!
I also wished there was not such a social stigma about pipe smoking. When a non-smoker learns I smoke a pipe, often they assume that I am addicted, throwing my health away, smoking from dawn to dark and that I am essentially a walking ash tray. They throw all smokers into one category, primarily in generalisations formed from the anti-cigarette lobby. These kind of people often find it hard to believe that I might actually exercise regularly, watch my weight, try to eat a balanced diet of non-processed foods, drink alcohol in moderation, etc. and look out for other aspects of my well being. Even if I was destroying my health, that is my choice... but it would be nice if there was a little less stereotyping and judging going on.