Being in Alaska the most annoying one is the impact cold has on my lighters. Always have to remember to put them on the inside pocket or the flame is like a millimeter by first relight. So really I guess my shitty memory is the pet peeve, haha.
Bulldogs with amazing grain. To each their own and such, if you like em more power to you, but them shits are ugly. They look like those shitty metal weed pipes. All blocky and weird. The stupid rings. Euchhh. What a waste.
Pipes that won’t pass a pipe cleaner. It’s like getting caught masturbating before you finish and having to stop. Except not as bad. And not embarrassing. Just frustrating with no solution but to be done until you can finish the job later. No joy.
People that go slow in the fast lane and don’t move over. That one is not pipe related at all I just fucking hate those people. “Slower traffic keep right.” It’s right there on the sign. I know you can read or you wouldn’t have license. Which means you just don’t care. It makes me want to follow you to work and poop on your hood while you are gone. If you weren’t so slow I probably would.