Something, eventually, will kill us all. I referenced in a prior post the random acts of choking on kale, falling down stairs, or getting hit by a texting teen on the road. I ride a motorcycle frequently - those statistics have been presented here as well as “grim”. If I factored in where I live, what I do for a living, where I drive, how much I drive, WHAT I drive, some other hobbies, and a few pipes/cigars a week - I should have been dead last year - or earlier.
...Statistically speaking...
BUT - I enjoy a motorcycle ride, and a pipe, and a cigar, and a Scotch responsibly (I think), so I’m still here. And enjoying life...
My bowl a day pipe will likely not be my demise. If it turns out it is, down the road, then “I’ve enjoyed my life”. But that is likely not what really is the underlying factor in what did me in.
Please enjoy your life. It’s later than you think...