Well this has certainly taken a turn to interesting.
I, for one, am glad that humans have mostly passed through the Age of Enlightenment. Life became a little more complicated, but switching to using reason and critical thinking (and the scientific method!) was a pretty big breakthrough for us, when religion became more distanced from... well, reason and critical thinking. It's just my opinion, though.
I'm genuinely interested in peer reviewed studies that show smoking is beneficial in some way. I'll happily whip them out when someone starts poking me for smoking and mentions how stupid it is because of all of the negative health implications. They'd be great for these kinds of threads too, which consistently come up.
The tobacco industry, without a doubt, has left no stone unturned and during their time of making billions of dollars in profits, absolutely searched for these studies (and funded a good number of them).
They must be in the public domain. "Big Tobacco" has very deep pockets and they would never let something of that kind of importance be swept under the rug.
They could even use it in advertising (which is perfectly legal if you can prove a claim), so I'm just wondering where they are. We find a load of information contrary to a lot of claims here, but very little (none presented so far) that supports them.
Seriously. If it was found that a cigarette, or half a cigarette, somehow presented a measurable and accepted health benefit, the tobacco industry would be on that like mosquitoes on a moose. They'd sell single dose packets with the health claim! Because they could! Legally.
I, for one, am glad that humans have mostly passed through the Age of Enlightenment. Life became a little more complicated, but switching to using reason and critical thinking (and the scientific method!) was a pretty big breakthrough for us, when religion became more distanced from... well, reason and critical thinking. It's just my opinion, though.
I'm genuinely interested in peer reviewed studies that show smoking is beneficial in some way. I'll happily whip them out when someone starts poking me for smoking and mentions how stupid it is because of all of the negative health implications. They'd be great for these kinds of threads too, which consistently come up.
The tobacco industry, without a doubt, has left no stone unturned and during their time of making billions of dollars in profits, absolutely searched for these studies (and funded a good number of them).
They must be in the public domain. "Big Tobacco" has very deep pockets and they would never let something of that kind of importance be swept under the rug.
They could even use it in advertising (which is perfectly legal if you can prove a claim), so I'm just wondering where they are. We find a load of information contrary to a lot of claims here, but very little (none presented so far) that supports them.
Seriously. If it was found that a cigarette, or half a cigarette, somehow presented a measurable and accepted health benefit, the tobacco industry would be on that like mosquitoes on a moose. They'd sell single dose packets with the health claim! Because they could! Legally.