Question: How many of you here, using your real name, would show up on your state's voter rolls as having voted over the last ... oh say, 10 local, not national, elections?
...what would be the loss to humanity? Having more money in ones pocket is usually thought to be a positive. Less sickness, more dependable employees, longer lives for some, higher resale value for homes and automobiles, are all good things.
Oh No, Warren! The Ignore list! What are you gonna do!?!?!?!?!?!?Warren you could not possibly be more wrong. Your statements here are well beyond hyperbole and you an utter hypocrite.
Less sickness? More dependable employees?
Clearly your motivation here is nothing but slander, this is FUD at it’s worst.
Welcome to the Ignore list.
Insurance studies, believe them or not they do exist and are used for hiring practices, show smokers as being less dependable with regard to attendance.
I don't know why. They are both DSM 5 disorders with pretty similar diagnostic criteria.Smoking, as opposed to alcoholism, is not considered a disease