I very much doubt you get it in there. I get mine through private contacts.
We can buy grass fed beef and range fed poultry in the US in just about any grocery store.
I very much doubt you get it in there. I get mine through private contacts.
My local Publix has a section for Buffalo and grass fed beef. It's always between the rest of the beef and the lamb.I very much doubt you get it in there. I get mine through private contacts.
We just legalized grass in Arizona and all the cows want to eat at McDonalds and listen to Cheech and Chong in the feed lots.Where in the US can you buy grass-fed beef? Is that a niche market? Why?
I have always gone by user surveys personally...and uh.. age don't matter anymore, they got pills for that.
As the song goes, "the stone that the builder refused, will always be the head corner stone." What the commercial folks reject, the artists turn into gold? So to speak?Artisanal and quality are opposites. Art eschews the concept of standards and criteria and aims at a subjectively pleasing (usually) aesthetic. Quality is based on meeting specific or categorical criteria.
Ummm...I get grass fed beef at the grocery store, or from my family ranch, or from my friend's ranch. I also get grass fed bison. It's pretty difficult to not be able to find grass fed beef in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, or the Dakotas.Where in the US can you buy grass-fed beef? Is that a niche market? Why?
I can play the game, but I just play it longer and more furiously. When I was younger, and all of the girls secretly were in awe of the older men... you'll figure this out one day, lads.I've tried stuffing those pills in my wife's salads. Hasn't made much of a difference to date other than she complains of joint stiffness. On my side, if she is willing, I'm able to "rise to the occasion" when called upon. Like many other things in life as I've aged, my give a f&%$ index simply isn't what it once was. Literally and figuratively. Why bother when I can get so much satisfaction from a good bowl of tobacco with no bitching and no requests for cuddling.
Hell, sometimes there is a guy at the gas station parking lot selling aged prime rib right out of the back of a truck, ha ha.This is a weird thread, right from the get-go.
I'm tired of my wife's jokes: "You call that a tamper?"I've tried stuffing those pills in my wife's salads. Hasn't made much of a difference to date other than she complains of joint stiffness. On my side, if she is willing, I'm able to "rise to the occasion" when called upon. Like many other things in life as I've aged, my give a f&%$ index simply isn't what it once was. Literally and figuratively. Why bother when I can get so much satisfaction from a good bowl of tobacco with no bitching and no requests for cuddling.
So, if I'm understanding the OP, the Danes should be punished for catering to their target audience? Further, people who enjoy eros need to be 'taste educated?" So, do what? Send them to camps to learn what should be properly smoked? Who will we select to tell us what to smoke in our pipes? We already have people telling us where we can and cannot smoke. I suppose I'm missing his point.
Grass fed beef? AQma
I can play the game, but I just play it longer and more furiously. When I was younger, and all of the girls secretly were in awe of the older men... you'll figure this out one day, lads.
The ugly American personified!A friend of mine who lives in the US paid me a visit a long time ago when I was still living in Spain. When he was hungry he told me we could just pop in McDonald's and get something to eat. Instead, I proposed to go somewhere else and try Madrilian cuisine, but he refused to eat anything. I gave him the chance to eat pig hands, liver, and tripe amongst others, but he point-blank refused to eat any of those things saying it was disgusting. What surprises me though is that he was happy enough to eat McDonald's crap, but refused to eat all the quality stuff I put on the table based on the idea he never had it before and offal was disgusting. OK, I said, if you want to stick to your guns suit yourself.
I’ve got an inniePenis size is a metaphor for ego insecurity.
Your friend sounds like he has poor taste and suffers from a lack of culinary adventure. Offal is generally wonder-offal! (See what I did there...I made that into a pun)A friend of mine who lives in the US paid me a visit a long time ago when I was still living in Spain. When he was hungry he told me we could just pop in McDonald's and get something to eat. Instead, I proposed to go somewhere else and try Madrilian cuisine, but he refused to eat anything. I gave him the chance to eat pig hands, liver, and tripe amongst others, but he point-blank refused to eat any of those things saying it was disgusting. What surprises me though is that he was happy enough to eat McDonald's crap, but refused to eat all the quality stuff I put on the table based on the idea he never had it before and offal was disgusting. OK, I said, if you want to stick to your guns suit yourself.
So horrible?Sutliff and Lane was just carryover Germanic tobacco styles brought over by immigrants. American Tobacco is closer to what C&D gives us.
Also a brothel stipendWell if the forum wants to buy me a ticket to Copenhagen so I can protest I am able and willing but I will also need an alcohol stipend.