There's a conflict in the above: If "no man is an island" then of course we need to cope with the dysfunction. I try to be as self-contained and self-reliant as is possible. I'm pretty much an observer of society, less a participant. And yes, that's a coping mechanism. I limit my participation as member of society to paying my taxes, peacefully co-existing where possible, and keeping human contact to a bare minimum.
Hipsters are simply, well . . . hipsters. Studied by some, reviled by others, ignored by many and embraced by some. Other than the amusement the "movement" provides on this forum, it is nothing worthy of serious interest on my part. Simply no relevance to my life except as entertainment. As, I believe it was, the Bard wrote: "life is a stage . . . " Very little in life, other than family, needs to be taken too seriously. Mostly, I'm simply in the audience, enjoying the show.